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Introduction: Natural and cultural eutrophication (enrichment with nutrients) frequnetly results in excessive algal growths thereby reducing the beneficial uses of surface waters (Hasler, 1947; Thomas, 1955,...
A regional water quality control model is developed by linking a steady-state water quality simulation model with an optimization model. The water quality simulation model can be applied to complex river systems...
Water institutions are highly diffused throughout society. These institutions interact with one another in various ways. As water needs and services expand, collaborative and cooperative arrangements are commonly...
The report examines possible sources of dissolved salts in the Price River basin. Ephemeral and intermittent streams contributed dissolved salts and are the focus of the study. Seven subwatersheds and the Price...
The effects of various land uses on water quality in Summit Creek were evaluated during the period beginning March 13, 1971, and ending October 27, 1971. Potential sources of pollution investigated where: (1) septic...
Foreward: Recognizing the need for training of individuals to meet the rapidly rising problems connected with water resources development, Utah State University, with National Science Foundation support, organized a...
Engineers at the Utah Water Research Laboratory and the Mechanical Engineering Department at Utah State University have investigated the use of groundwater heat pumps for residential space heating and cooling in the...
Many attempts have been made to derive mathematical expressions relating evaporation and evapotranspiration, or consumptive use, to climatological data. IN the United States, the Blaney-Criddle formula is probably...
Tertiary filtration of secondary wastewater is frequently used to improve wastewater treatment plant effluent quality. Four experimental filter columns were operated at the Preston, Idaho, Wastewater Treatment Plant...
Alternative management strategies for hydropower and geothermal development are myriad. This study does not attempt to evaluate or even summarize the many schemes which are possible. In an era of plentiful natural resources, economic analysis...
The Perkin Elmbver Model 303, equipped with the DCR-1, digital concentration readout, was evaluated as to its ability to provide an index of silver concentration in water solutions, without concentrating in any manner. The procedures, principal...
Using a conceptual model of a water supply firm, the necessary conditions for production and market efficiency are derived when renovated wastewater is considered as a potential water resource. The nature and extent...
This study is an evaluation of a winter orographic cloud seeding project in Utah. The evaluation is based upon both intensive field measurements and historic~l records. For the field measurements, ground and airborne data were collected during...
Foreword: This report summarizes the results of laboratory measurements of the infrared reflectance of selected living plants typical of the natural watersheds in northern Utah. Data indicate that the IR reflectance...
Social well-being is an accepted subset of water investment feasibility criteria. Our attempt is to isolate income redistribution impacts conferred by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation projects. Four project sites have been utilized to yield both pre...
Extending the utility of an existing water supply in any river basin suggests a management-planning approach under three general guiding principles: (1) minimize depletions wherever possible (thereby maintaining a...
Preface: This report is an analysis of a social survey of the middle and lower Bear River Basin of southeastern Idaho and northern Utah concerning the problem of water resource development in a semiarid region of...
From every side we hear of new threats to our water supply. Carcinogens, droughts, dam failures, global warming, hazardous wastes, deforestation, overpopulation, liability, and an aging infrastructure become household fears; this list grows longer...
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