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The turnout structures under study divert flows from the Weber-Davis Canal near Clearfield, Utah. A portion of the canal in this area was realigned as a result of the construction of the Interstate Highway System. The twin turnout structures, used...
The rapid growth in recent years of a variety of demands upon available water resources has lead to an increasing interest in more fundamental approaches to the science of hydrology. Accompanying this growth has...
Introduction: The objective of this research to develop a spatially distributed water balance model based on the integration of spatially distributed data. Progress this year has consisted of model development,...
This research used a linear programming model of the agricultural and energy sectors of Utah to examine the economically efficient allocation of water between agriculture and energy. Data were collected for...
The overall purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of sulfur dioxide (SO2) to remove nitrate-nigrogen (i.e., reduction to a gaseous form) from the secondary wastewater effluent. To accomplish th above...
It is widely recognized that suspended and dissolved solids in lakes, rivers, streams, and reservoirs affect water quality. In this report the research needs appropriate to setting freshwater quality criteria or standards for suspeneded solids...
The salinity added irrigation return flows is a major problem in rivers draining agricultural lands throughout the arid regions of the world, and many irrigation water management alternatives have been proposed for...
A small but significant amount of salinity removal has been reported by various authors to occur in mainstem Colorado River reservoirs. Recalculation of some of these salinity budgets, together with a review of the...
The Division of Water Resources is conducting a study of further water development in the Virgin River Basin. This report examines the effects of groundwater development as a part of the overall study. The study...
It is an understatement to say that people are confused about cloud seeding. While it has been called "the crime of the century" and outlawed in Pennsylvania, the governments of the dry, western part of the United States continue to spend tax...
Sulfur dioxide has been shown to be an effective wastewater disinfectant. The aqueous sulfur dioxide creates and oxygen demand in the effulent which must be removed prior to discharge. Oxidation to sulfate is one...
Need and Importance of Study
Water demands in Utah are continuously increasing. It is essential that these demands be me to insure the continued enhancement of the social and economic well-being of all sectors of our society. Since water needs...
An estimate of the potential in Utah for evaporation suppression by the monolayer film method is presented. The model estimates evaporation suppression as a function of wind speed, a four parameter exposure factor, and reservoir size. The...
Executive Summary: The present report presents a review of the state-of-the-art technologies for the development of a low-cost, self-calibrating stream gaging station. The research was conducted by the Utah Water...
During the preparation of a work plan for a study of the atmospheric water resources in Utah, a number of publications were studied which presented information pertaining to agents used to modify weather. These publications have been compiled to...
In the syntheses of hydrograph characteristics of small urban watersheds, the distribution of water among the various phases of the runoff process is attempted by the concept of equivalent rural watershed. The urban...