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Engineers at the Utah Water Research Laboratory and the Mechanical Engineering Department at Utah State University have looked into the evonomic feasibility of groundwater heat pumps for residential heating and cooling in the Utah climate. They...
President's Introduction: The environment of man has been the subject of intensive studies in recent years as the dangers of pollution became increasingly evident. The atmostphere we breathe, the water we drink, the...
The rapid development of stochastic or operational hydrology over the past 10 years has led to the need for some comparative analyses of the currently available long-term persistence models. Five annual stochastic...
As drought conditions in 1976 and 1977 became increasingly severe throughout the west and affected many other parts of the country, many states began special drought information dissemination efforts. This study was organized to provide for the...
The Great Salt Lake Desert, located in the southwest corner of the State of Utah"is a very dry region with sparse population and relatively small scattered areas of development. Since only a meager amount of hydrologic data has been collected and...
Introduction: Increasing national and international interest in water resources in recent years has stimulated much new activity and progress in hydrology. It is now generally recognized that the science of...
The objective of this study is to develop a relatively simple and practical method for improving the availability and reliability of information about droughts to those responsibile for water supply management and...
Initial field testing began shortly after the arrival of materials in August, 1964. The field experiments were designed to evaluate the effects of the long-chain alcohol C20 and particle size gradation on the effectiveness of evaporation...
Heat pulse velocity techniques were developed for effectively monitoring water movement in aspen (Populus ttremuloides), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), and Englemann spruce (Picea engelmannii). Once the...
A hybrid computer program is developed to predict the water and salt outflow from a river basin in which irrigation is the major water user. A chemical model which predicts the quality of water percolated through a...
Sizable investments have been made and continue to be made throughout the world to develop irrigation potentials. Recent food shortages have heightened the concern for obtaining greater returns to irrigation through...
Introduction: Manufacturers are continually seeking ways of improving the effectiveness of their erosion control products. Products currently in use include chemical as well as organic materials, and they are...
The Ute Indian Tribe of northeastern Utah has large land holdings rich in water and energy resources. Revenues from these sources have created capital that can potentially be used by the Tribe to further develop its resources and expand its...
This paper considers the risk of drought and develops drough scenarios for use in the study of severe sustained drought in the Southwestern United States. The focus is on the Colorado River gbasin and regions to...
The increased use of domestic wastewater for irrigation purposes has stimulated a growing practice of sprinkler irrigating from oxidation ponds and other domestic wastewaters. Aerosols generated from these sprinkler...
A purge and trap, gas chromatography system was developed to analyze for trihalomethane (THMs) compounds at the ppb (parts per billion) level in drinking water. Monthly influent and effluent samples were taken from...
The general hydrodynamic equations for a spatially varied unsteady flow in a prismatic open channel having an arbitrary cross-sectional shape can be derived from the equations of continuity and momentum. The...