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Introduction: Background/Authorization: This report is meant to provide a technical review and evaluation of Department of Energy documents concerning groundwater, radionuclide travel time and monitoring issues...
Salt Lake County, Utah, watershed streams, drinking water treatment plants, and distribution systems were monitored for a period of one year or greater to determine the seasonal watershed precursor load,...
An integrated value of soil moisture can be determine dby measuring the attenuation of vertically-polarized surface radio waves taht are propagated over the ground between a transmitting and receiving atenna. Soil...
Foreward: Recognizing the need for training of individuals to meet the rapidly rising problems connected with water resources development, Utah State University, with National Science Foundation support, organized a...
Submerged flow exists for any given structure when a change in flow depth downstream from the structure causes a change in flow depth upstream from the structure for any given constant value of discharge. The two...
A three phase study is used to develop disposal alternatives and cost analysis for algae laden sand scrapings removed from intermittent sand filters used to polish wastewater lagoon effluent. Phase I, Irrigation Technique, explores the feasibility...
Introduction: This report has been prepared for submission to the meeting of the OMVS Council of Ministers which is scheduled to be held in Devember 1980. The report describes the results of the most recent cost...
Introduction: The U.S. Bureas of Reclamation is currently in the process of evaluating a number of water development projects in Southwest Colorado. As a part of the planning process the Bureasu has conducted a...
Preliminary studies employed an 8-inch (outlet diameter) contracting cone and an 8-inch converging nozzle. The design of the cone is based on an electromagnetic analogy reported by Smith and Wang, while the nozzle was designed assuming potential...
A mass balance simulation model for sorption in a packed bed reactor was developed. All of the terms in the model, consisting of constants of the porous media, and functions, were evaluated by independent laboratory...
This summary completion report describes the project work completed in three areas: 1) the development and preliminary testing of drought severity and vulnerability indices, 2) the impacts of Utah's 1977 drought,...
Introduction: The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation is currently in the process of evaluating a number of water development projects in Southwest Colorado. As a part of the planning process the Bureau has conducted a water quality investigation, in...
It is an understatement to say that people are confused about cloud seeding. While it has been called "the crime of the century" and outlawed in Pennsylvania, the governments of the dry, western part of the United States continue to spend tax...
Wet/dry spell characteristics of daily precipitation are of interest for a number of hydrologic applications (e.g., flood forecasting or assessment of erosion potential). Here, we examine issues related to designing...
Introduction: Groundwater is aprimary source of drinking water for about 50 percent of the population in the U.S. This source of drinking water has been generally regarded as safe from contamination. Several papers...
Since nearly every water resource managment choice has two or more sides, differences must be resolved in decision making. Equitable resolution requires an understanding of the reasons for the differences. These...
Comprehensive planning is an elusive ideal. The practical planner must sort the relevant information from the vast amounts of data that modern technology can collect. The objective of this study was to use the Upper Blackfoot watershed in the...
Introduction: Increasing public awareness of the desireability of protecting the environment from soil erosion caused by wnid and water has centered attention on large construction projects such as highways and...
One of the key requirements for reliable operations of a water supply system is a thorough analysis and proper selection of the control valves and pumps. For valves, selection criteria includes capacity, pressure...