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Utah's growth is certain, but the extent and success of this growth will depend primarily on how wisely our water resources are developed and conserved. Even with potential development now authorized, Utah will get just over half the Colorado...
This volume summarizes basic data regarding surface water measurements in Utah accumulated through the 1960 water year. It was compiled to fill the need for a ready reference from which some of the important characteristics of various streams...
The engineering properties of waste spoil from phosphate mines in Southeastern Idaho were determined through field and laboratory testing. Based on these properties, the slope stability and settlement...
Introduction: Objective: In April, 1977 the President's statement on water projects recommended that a number of federal water development projects, including the Conneville unit of the Central Utah Project, not be...
Executive Summary: The Surface Impoundment Assessment process presented an organized consistent systme for evaluating potential threats to groundwater resources from surface impoundments of wastes. This assessment...
Solutions are obtained to the problem of steady-state partially saturated infiltration of moisture applied over a horizontal source circle which moved through homogeneous soils toward a water table. A commonly...
Of all the natural resources with which Utah has been endowed none is more vital to the social and economic well-being of the people than it water resource. We cannot manufacture water. We have found no acceptable substitute. Not one more drop of...
Information and recommendations were developed pertaining to the organization of regional and river basin water planning studies, useful to river basin commissions and others responsible for such studies. The...
More than 400 rainfall simulator experiments were examined to detect which soil properties could be used to computer infiltration time relationships. Three theoretical equations were tested to determine their...
A finite difference method is developed to solve the three-dimensional, steady, incompressible, potential flow equations obtained by using a potential function, o, and two mutually orthogonal stream functions, u and...
A continuous ice-crystal replicator was modified by the addition of a gear drive to the cating wheel. This modification utilizes a positive drive force on the coating wheel rather than the friction force between the...
A chance-constrained separable programming model of water allocations between agriculture and energy production was developed in order to examine the effect of the variability of water supplies in Utah. Using an...
In the distribution of water among users in the state of Utah there is lack of organizational uniformity. On some rivers, the state engineer is assisted by river sommissioners who have been appointed to measure and...
Preface: For the purposes of this study an institution is defined as a formal framework or organization through which men pool their efforts and resources to accomplish specific purposes. Included in this framework...
Sulfur is recognized as one of the essential elements for plant growth. It has also been used in agriculture for reclamation of saline and sodic soils. During the reclamation process there is the potential benefit of increased availability of...
The Sevier River Basin is a water short basin wherein upstream diversions not consumptively used become the water right for downstream users. The diversion-return cycle occurs several times as the stream travels...
Monthly and annual distributions of precipitation were analyzed for a 103-year record station. A gamma probability distribution with maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters gave the best fit. For 97 stations...
N searching for alternative sources of energy to supply growing demands, it is essential that renewable sources by thoroughly considered. An essential early step in further hydroelectric power development is to...
Water, in many cases, is a key factor in the development of energy resources in the western states. The total water supply available in the arid west is fixed; yet potential water uses in the region are growing continually. In fact, in many areas...