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In May, 1997, the United Nations General Assemblyadopted the Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, a treatythat largely codifies the general principles ofinternational water law. While not entirely free...
Intergovernmental disputes involving water allocationand the environment are widespread and impose costsand uncertainties on water users, communities, andgovernments. This article presents criteria for evaluatingdifferent types of efforts to...
Proposed resolutions to the Arab-Israeli water conflictthat fail to consider the introduction of alternativefreshwater sources in the not-too-distant future cannotbe taken seriously. Each of three major forms offreshwater supply augmentation (the...
Water markets have long been proposed for Californiaas a water management tool to increase water useefficiency. Variability of precipitation across time andspace, a fast growing population with strongenvironmental concerns, a vocal agricultural...
Privatization efforts in government owned water andwastewater systems have expanded rapidly in recent yearsas operating costs, technical requirements, and capitaloutlays have escalated. Maximum economic welfare canbe achieved only if competitive...
This paper provides an overview of privatization andcompetition in the water industry from a public policyvantage point. In particular, it contrasts the contractoperations model with the private ownership withregulation model. Advantages and...
The single most defining event in water and wastewaterprivatization this decade is the advent of long-termcontracts. It has changed the economics, politics, andpolicy of privatization in many fundamental ways. Thispaper sketches out some of the...
There are two good reasons why utilities have traditionally been called monopolies: first, because they have literallyhad the “monopoly” on serving their community, and second, because most have operated in a monopolistic orbureaucratic...
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