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State of Utah OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR Salt Lake City George D. Clyde governor July 6, 1964 The Honorable Wallace F. Bennett United States Senate Washington 25, D. C. Dear Wallace: Re: LOWER COLORADO RIVER SALINITY Many of the questions...
2 Honorable Wallace F. Bennett July 6, 1964 who may have personal reasons for not wishing to see any action taken adverse to the project's welfare, may not be in the best position to evaluate this matter. Certainly the majority of the...
6/2/64 draft. , :•? Be It enacted *by the Senate . . , That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to construct an0 operate a channel and associated works tp convey drainage effluent from the We11ton-Mohawk Pro-Ject in...
( l" " within.the State of Arizona, at which time the limitations of the aforesaid Act would again be invoked and the channel no longer used. ; . • V; Section 2. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Department of the Interior...
.Wafer Envoys Discuss, lexico Pact,., Deseret Mews 'Washington Bureaii WASHINGTON — Representa- |j of: seven western states et .Wednesday with State Department and Interior Department officials to discuss possible means of improving the quality of...
onversation with Bill Palmer ~ 6/3/64 Don't build bypass channel. We would be admitting to world that we have a water quality responsibility to Mexico. The treaty rules that out. The Mexicans agreed to take water from any and all sources....
Conversation with Maurice Langley - 6/3/64 There has been a continuous improvement in water quality, from Wellton-Mohawk drainage since Bureau of Reclamation put In pumps for collective pumping and the tiling system. Is now below 1500 parts per...
UPPER COLORADO RIVER COMMISSION 355 South Fourth East Street Salt La\e City 11, Utah May 28, 1964 < mm Hon. Wallace F. Bennett United States Senate 2311 New Senate Office Building Washington, D. C. Dear Senator Bennett: Enclosed is a copy of a...
R E S O L U TION Urging the Appropriation of Funds by the Congress for the Construction of a Drainage Channel to Alleviate the Salinity Problem on the Lower Colorado River Between the United States and the Republic of Mexico WHEREAS, in the year...
NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED by the Upper Colorado River Commission in special meeting assembled at Denver, Colorado, this 20th day of May, 1964, that the Congress of the United States be urged to appropriate funds to construct a drainage...
UPPER COLORADO RIVER COMMISSION 355 South Fourth East Street Salt La\e City 11, Utah October 1, 1963 Hon. Wallace F. Bennett United States Senate Washington, D. C. Dear Senator Bennett: At its Adjourned Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah on...
REPORT OF COMMITTEE OF FOURTEEN ON MEXICAN SALINITY PROBLEM - MAY 9, 1963 In April of 1962 the Committee of Fourteen was formed at the request of the Commissioner of the United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission by...
It is the judgment of these six states that there will be excess flows during the five winter months sufficient to justify the construction of a by-pass channel and that the rights of the United States and the several states would not be damaged...
Arizona believes there is a doubt that the by-pass channel recommended above meets the criteria prescribed by it, Arizona further believes that under improved river control, there will not be, in the future, sufficient excess water above minimum...
he Sal^CaJke Tribund Mead Project Flayed by Upper States By Frank Hewlett Tribune Wkshingtoii Bureau WASHINGTON, June 7 — Spokesmen from Upper Colorado River basin states Thursday called for a halt in releases of water from Lake Mead to...
Colorado River Water Users Association Organized in the Interest of the Colorado River and its Tributaries September U, 196.3 Senate Of£i< Washington, iliace F. Bemm :@ Building Dear Senator Bennett* I am pleased to bring to your attention the...
BOARD OF DIRECTORS COLORADO RIVER WATER USERS J ASSOCIATION RESOLUTION September 12, 19^3 Whereas, the quality of the waters of the Colorado River being delivered to the Republic of Mexico under the terms of the Treaty of 1944 between the two...
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