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ScholarsArchive at Oregon State University

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In the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP), a region of high fishing activity, olive ridley (Lepidochelis olivacea) and other sea turtles are accidentally caught in fishing nets with tuna and other animals. To date, the interaction between fishing...
2016-01 (iso8601)
Infestation with nonnative, “exotic” lice was first noted in Washington black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) in 1994 and has since then spread throughout the western United States. In California, infestation with the exotic louse...
2016-07 (iso8601)
We evaluated the impact of predation on juvenile steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss and yearling and subyearling Chinook Salmon O. tshawytscha by piscivorous waterbirds from 11 different breeding colonies in the Columbia River basin during 2012 and...
2016 (iso8601)
Stabilization of the Yaquina Bay shoreline along the northeastern edge of the Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) campus became necessary to halt erosion that threatened both HMSC critical infrastructure (seawater storage tank) and public access...
2015-02-11 (iso8601)
Previous observations and simulations suggest that an approximate 3°–5°C warming occurred at intermediate depths in the North Atlantic over several millennia during Heinrich stadial 1 (HS1), which induces warm salty water (WSW) lying beneath...
2016-07 (iso8601)
Measuring surface heat flow at the Hikurangi Trough is key toward characterizing the local thermal regime and the influence of thermally sensitive processes such as fluid flow and slow slip. Marine heat flow data were collected during May– June...
2016-11-22 (iso8601)
Developing accurate predictive distribution models requires adequately representing relevant spatial and temporal scales, as these scales are ultimately reflective of the relationships between distributions and influential environmental...
2017-01-05 (iso8601)
Observations of the Oregon coast’s physical oceanography over the last few decades have revealed falling dissolved oxygen levels associated with seasonal upwelling, as well as rising water temperatures. In extreme cases, these changes have been...
2016-12-05 (iso8601)
Phytoplankton are a sentinel class of organisms in the marine environment. Through their photosynthetic activity in sunlit waters worldwide, phytoplankton shape the health and productivity of marine ecosystems and impact the global climate. In...
2016-12-20 (iso8601)
In July and August 1961, nine lots of 500 juvenile silver salmon each were subjected to one-, two-, three- and four-week periods of complete starvation. The three- and four-week periods produced the best growth checks for that time of year, but...
1963-06 (iso8601)
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