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Time series records of horizontal current velocity, temperature, light attenuation
and settling particle flux obtained using moored instruments above Endeavour Ridge in
the northeast Pacific Ocean elucidate the dynamics of a deep-sea, neutrally...
1992-12-04 (iso8601)
1993-06-28 (iso8601)
MOCNESS plankton tows, sediment traps and sedimentary material are used to determine
the linkage between bio-physical forcing and foraminiferal response over a range of time
scales from the event scale to the glacial interglacial cycle. The...
1995-05-02 (iso8601)
In a steady state, the Earth's absorbed solar radiation (ASR) balances the outgoing
longwave radiation (OLR) at the top of the atmosphere (TOA). In response to a radiative
forcing, that is, an external perturbation to the top of the atmosphere...
2011-09-07 (iso8601)
The formation of beach placers primarily involves processes of
waves and currents that selectively sort and concentrate the valuable
minerals according to their densities, sizes and shapes. Black sand
placers are found on the beaches adjacent to...
1990-05-31 (iso8601)
Phytophthora lateralis is the causal agent of cedar root rot, a fatal forest pathogen whose principal host is Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Port-Orford-cedar), a predominantly riparian-restricted endemic tree species of ecological, economical, and...
2011-09-01 (iso8601)
How certain aspects of the swimming behavior of the copepod Calanus
marshallae vary as a function of different food conditions of Thalassiosira weissflogii
was examined. A two video camera recording and controlled food environment
aquaria system...
1991-01-24 (iso8601)
Two bloom-detection products were developed for the Oregon coast that describe the relative percent change observed between successive pairs of 8-day chlorophyll-a (CHL) and fluorescence line-height (FLH) products obtained from the MODerate...
2011-09-02 (iso8601)
Uptake ofHNO₃ onto cirrus ice may play an important role in tropospheric NOx cycling.
Discrepancies between modeled and in situ measurements of gas‐phase HNO₃ in the
troposphere suggest that redistribution and removal mechanisms by cirrus ice have...
2010-06-15 (iso8601)
1994-05-06 (iso8601)
The distribution patterns of quartz and opal contents and the distribution
patterns of radiolarian assemblages, in the sediments of the
southeastern Pacific, are largely controlled by both the surface winds
and the mixed-layer oceanic circulation....
1977-11-04 (iso8601)
The shallow water benthic habitat of the SW Beaufort Sea is frequently
gouged by the keels of ice pressure ridges. This natural physical
disturbance was hypothesized to be an important factor affecting the
structure of the benthic community....
1985-05-17 (iso8601)
The boundary between ice and basalt on Earth is an analog for some near-surface environments of Mars. We investigated neutrophilic iron-oxidizing microorganisms from the basalt-ice interface in a lava tube from the Oregon Cascades with perennial...
2011 (iso8601)
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) production was examined in axenic batch cultures of five coastal diatom
species. For Chaetoceros decipiens, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) accumulated beginning in late exponential
growth as a result of increased...
2006-10-05 (iso8601)
Tidal wetlands are a powerful carbon sink. They can sequester an order of magnitude
more carbon than any other type of wetland system, and emit only negligible amounts
of methane compared with freshwater wetlands (Brigham et al. 2006, Whiting and...
2011-05-26 (iso8601)
Over the last three decades Oregonians have been engaged in a protracted discussion about Marine Spatial Planning. In the last twenty years the discussion has centered on the protection of Oregon’s natural marine resources and has taken on various...
2011-12 (iso8601)
Marine sediments contain an abundance of methane that is biologically produced
and plays a significant role in the global carbon cycle. Microbes responsible for the
carbon cycle in marine sediments, and the processes that they carry out, need...
2011-10-20 (iso8601)