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2003-08-15 (iso8601)
2003-03-19 (iso8601)
2002-03-12 (iso8601)
2001-12-14 (iso8601)
2001-10-05 (iso8601)
2000-03-29 (iso8601)
1999-11-17 (iso8601)
1999-10-10 (iso8601)
Adiabatic parcel models suggest specific relationships between cloud thickness and cloud properties. Such relationships govern cloud radiative forcing and thus cloud feedbacks in the climate system. Current remote sensing techniques work well at...
2007-06-18T22:46:05Z (iso8601)
The operational processing of MODIS imagery to produce the MOD06 cloud product is based on the assumption that cloudy 1-km pixels are overcast. This assumption is examined using a partly cloudy pixel retrieval scheme, which allows for fractional...
2007-06-29T21:20:44Z (iso8601)
Coastal and marine ecosystems in Latin America and the Caribbean are
undergoing a rapid and drastic transformation. Dense human populations are
concentrated in coastal areas, leading to increased coastal development, destruction of
2007-08-01T19:59:23Z (iso8601)
This research focuses on the development of new techniques to explore terrestrial-ocean climate linkages along the Pacific Northwest-northeast Pacific Ocean margin. This is done by investigating river response to climate change and by unraveling...
2007-07-19T14:47:09Z (iso8601)