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Poster presented at the 2003 North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) Conference in Portland, Oregon on the process used by Oregon State University for the selection of new science journals.
2005-08-24T18:39:12Z (iso8601)
The endangered salmon crisis in the Pacific Northwest has researchers scouring the scientific and institutional literature for data, analysis and information. The accessible publications are the foundation for much of the current work and debate....
1994 (iso8601)
Marine libraries serve as access points to a multitude of bibliographic information which is vital to the pursuit of science. Yet of growing importance is access to data by researchers. Is there a place for the library in the management of...
1991 (iso8601)
GIS is a buzzword these days at marine labs, field stations, university campuses and government agencies. The design and implementation of a GIS involves the use and organziation of data in ways that are familiar to library and information center...
1992 (iso8601)
This study examined the juvenile marine science collections of ten public libraries on the Oregon coast to assess if they adequately provided children with good science books about their backyards. While most of the libraries demonstrate a strong...
1998 (iso8601)
We initiated an evaluation of the scholarly communication and publishing process in marine and aquatic sciences. This involves three components: describing the core journals for the discipline; examining the mechanics of publishing; and learning...
2002 (iso8601)
Assessing the fisheries and wildlife collection at Oregon State University proved to be a useful venture. Using the WLN Conspectus framework, the librarian generated data on the collection that was used to describe its strengths and weaknesses....
2001 (iso8601)
In its quest to promote the wise utilization and conservation of the United States' ocean and coastal resources, the National Sea Grant Program sponsors a vast array of research and educational ventures. Much of this is published, either in print...
2000 (iso8601)
All educational institutions granting higher degrees have the responsibility to archive copies of their dissertations and theses. While some people prefer the peer-reviewed articles that should emerge from the work, others find value in the...
1999 (iso8601)
The Oregon State University Libraries began working on implementation of an institutional repository through a five month planning process. The Task Force responsible for the planning identified campus needs for such a service, examined...
2005 (iso8601)
The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries provides a policy framework for sustainable fisheries management. Decision and policy makers as well as resource managers and users all need diverse information to implement the Code in their...
2005 (iso8601)