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1940-02-20 (iso8601)
2014-09-04 (iso8601)
Traffic signal countdown timers (TSCT) are innovative, practical and cost effective technologies with the potential to improve efficiency and safety at signalized intersections. The purpose of these devices is to assist motorists in decision...
2014-08-29 (iso8601)
1956-03-06 (iso8601)
Snap beans are the vegetable form of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) with low fiber, stringless and round, succulent pods that are eaten in the immature stage. Seed companies commit significant resources to maintaining purity and uniformity of...
2014-08-28 (iso8601)
1932-04-30 (iso8601)
There exists a variety of methods to solve the radiation transport equation in stochastic materials, including the Levermore-Pomraning method and the atomic mix method, each of which is designed to replicate the results given by benchmarks with...
2014-08-01 (iso8601)