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The temperate water fisheries for albacore in the North Pacific seem to exploit somewhat similar segments of the respective populations present in the various localities. It is clear that in most of the exploited populations two or at most three...
1944 (iso8601)
In a paper now in press as a Bulletin of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services the writer has discussed the downward trend of the catch of Columbia River Chinook salmon since 1920 and has stated that the decline is doubtless an indication that the...
1943 (iso8601)
THE SALMON of the Columbia River have supported an intensive fishery for
over seventy years but are now showing unmistakable signs of depletion, and
various factors are contributing to the rapid progress of this condition. Five
species of fish...
1941 (iso8601)
The salmon runs of the Columbia River constitute one of the most important
natural resources of the states of Oregon and Washington. Thousands of
people are dependent, wholly or in part, upon these resources for their livelihood;
and their welfare...
1940 (iso8601)
Samples, consisting of scales, length and weight measurements, and sex determinations of chum, pink, and silver salmons, were taken from the commercial catch in the Columbia River in 1914. Five hundred eighteen chum scales were examined. All fish...
1944 (iso8601)
Exceptional data are available for the study of the salmon runs of the Columbia River in 1938. Detailed figures on catch were supplied by Oregon and Washington in such form that they could readily be combined with the counts at Bonneville Dam to...
1942 (iso8601)
1. Six major types of commercial gear have been used to take salmon and steelhead on the Columbia River; namely, gill nets, set nets, seines, traps, fish wheels and dip nets. 2. The five important commercial species in the Columbia River are...
1948 (iso8601)
A study was undertaken in the fall of 1948 by the Oregon Fish Commission to determine the possible presence and importance of a delay in the migration of adult chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) at Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River....
1956 (iso8601)
Results of studies beginning in 1947 on the biology of the Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) in Oregon coastal waters are reported. A review is made of the history of the fishery with regard to trend of the catch by magnitude, area, and season; the...
1958 (iso8601)