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1965-07-13 (iso8601)
Aseptic radiorespirometry has been used to examine
the utilization of external carbon sources by proliferating
Thiobacillus thioparus cells. These studies reveal
that glucose, galactose, mannose, fructose, ribose, DL-glutamate,
and L-aspartate...
1965-05-14 (iso8601)
The single-cross and most F₂ progenies of 19 genotypes of
tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea, Schreb. ) were used to study the
breeding behavior of forage yield. Parental genotypes were selected
for high self-sterility, high chromogen and high crude...
1964-12-18 (iso8601)
A large-scale preparative method for potassium di-n-butylborate
in triethylamine solvent has been developed. The reaction of
potassium di-n-butylborate I with trifluoromethyl iodide has been
shown to yield trifluoromethyl di-n-butylborane and...
1964-08-31 (iso8601)
The mechanism of transsulfuration and the role of cystathionine
in the biosynthesis of methionine in yeast were investigated.
Saccharomyces were shown to accumulate cystathionine by use
of the ³⁵S labeled compound.
Cell-free extracts of the...
1965-05-13 (iso8601)
Prevailing concepts relating to the non-enzymatic gaseous
loss of nitrite from soil are thought to be inadequate as regards
to the mechanisms involved. The conventional explanation for
nitric oxide formation i.e., the acid decomposition of...
1964-11-24 (iso8601)
The chemically similar elements hafnium and zirconium occur
together in nature. Because of their very dissimilar nuclear
properties it is of commercial importance to separate them for use
in the atomic energy field. One or more of the steps in the...
1964-06-26 (iso8601)
Studies were carried out to elucidate the mechanism of enzymatic
control of methionine biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Enzymatic studies demonstrated that, in addition to the methionine
activating enzyme, the...
1965-05-14 (iso8601)
1965-03-10 (iso8601)
An enzyme system was prepared from Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
strain MCC, which carries out the transfer of the methyl group from
S-adenosylmethionine or methionine to the side chain of yeast sterols.
The cell-free system has been shown to be...
1965-05-11 (iso8601)
The paper concerns itself with the problem of heat transport
in a homogeneous, incompressible, isotropic, semi-infinite solid
whose boundary is nonstationary. The methods of solution in the one
dimensional case are discussed. Numerical examples...
1966-04-26 (iso8601)
Description of anuran larvae with the use of staging tables is
a common practice in the study of frog life-histories, but there has
been no previous description or table of Ascaphus larvae. In comparing
Ascaphus larvae to a simplified staging...
1966-05-11 (iso8601)
A study of the SH and SS content levels during vernalization of
wheat was made. In order to carry out the study, a rapid analytical
technique was worked out which allowed fast sequential analyses of
the samples of wheat tissue.
Two techniques were...
1965-10-06 (iso8601)
The structural behavior of pile groups (dolphins) is analyzed
considering two types of boundary conditions. First the individual
piles of the group are assumed to be rigidly embedded in the soil. In
the second analysis the more realistic case is...
1966-05-05 (iso8601)
An automatic digital titrator for use in potentiometric titrations
is described. The automatic titrator described provides
a permanent digital and analog record of all titrations. The modular
units which combine to form the automatic titrator are...
1965-08-12 (iso8601)
Previous work on the rose mosaic virus has produced uncertainty
concerning the identity and properties of this virus. This work was
undertaken to help establish the true identity of the virus and to determine
some of its properties.
A mechanically...
1965-06-04 (iso8601)
The author studies the class of rectangular arrangements in
terms of two binary relations on the objects of the arrangement.
He shows how a univalent matrix determines a unique rectangular
arrangement, and how each rectangular arrangement is...
1965-08-13 (iso8601)
Some of the properties of the numbers of two quadratic number
fields are explored. Among these properties is the existence of
unique prime factorization of the integers of the field and the importance
of the concept of ideal numbers in restoring...
1965-08-09 (iso8601)
The purpose of this study was to discover what the present trends,
practices and beliefs of home economics educators were concerning
the teaching of the undergraduate special home economics methods
courses. In order to accomplish this purpose it...
1965-06-23 (iso8601)
Arctostaphylos viscida Parry and A. canescens Eastw.,
two well-known and frequently encountered manzanitas in the
Siskiyou Mountains in southwestern Oregon, are shown to
hybridize and to produce an extensive series of morphological
1965-11-30 (iso8601)
The purposes of the study were to explore the possibility of
relationships existing among clothing behavior, attitudes toward
certain clothing standards, interest in clothes, religious orthodoxy,
and conformity among a group of Seventh-day...
1965-07-27 (iso8601)
Douglas fir bark fines which contained 74.8 percent
of Klason lignin and 70.2 percent of one percent sodium
hydroxide solubility and decayed Douglas fir wood which
contained 53.9 percent of Klason lignin were subjected to
ethanolysis. A slight...
1965-08-13 (iso8601)
This thesis has four main results. First we find a reduction form
for symmetric matrices over fields of characteristic two. This result
parallels the diagonalization theorem for symmetric matrices over
fields of characteristic not two.
Secondly we...
1965-04-29 (iso8601)