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The western North Atlantic population of the northern right whale (Eubalaena
glacialis) was severely depleted by whaling over the last century. Despite over fifty
years of protection, fewer than four hundred individuals are believed to exist in...
1992-12-07 (iso8601)
The corvina reina (Cynoscion albus) is an important part of the artisanal fishery
in the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. Stock assessment on this sciaenid species has been
restricted to the use of length-based methods because of the lack of age data....
1993-01-22 (iso8601)
Vegetation structure is important in structuring avian communities. In the sagebrush biome, where
continued habitat loss is thought to threaten shrusteppe-obligate birds, both remotely sensed and field-acquired
measures of big sagebrush (Artemisia...
2012-02 (iso8601)
Studies examining the effects of human disturbance on avian parental behavior and reproductive
success are fundamental to bird conservation. However, many such studies fail to also consider the influence of
natural threats, a variable environment,...
2012-02 (iso8601)
Many highly exploited ecosystems are managed on the basis of single-species demographic information. This management approach can exacerbate tensions among stakeholders with competing interests who in turn rely on data with notoriously high...
2012-04 (iso8601)
1992-09-10 (iso8601)
1991-07-08 (iso8601)
Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) are threatened seabirds that are
prone to disturbance both at sea and at old-growth forest nesting areas. I examined
murrelet behavior and activity patterns in forest and marine ecosystems of Oregon....
1998-11-10 (iso8601)
Microhabitat use by adult speckled dace (Rhinichthys
osculus), adult longnose dace (R. cataractae), and
juvenile dace (R. spp.) was investigated during the summer
of 1992 in an Oregon Cascades stream. Selected areas were
snorkeled day and night in...
1993-06-09 (iso8601)
As part of a hierarchical approach to classifying watersheds and stream habitats
based on geomorphic and geologic criteria, we defined ten classes of fluvial and
lacustrine habitats at the scale of valley segments. Valley segments are landscape...
1992-04-30 (iso8601)
Soil, water, and climatic classification systems are reviewed as
background for the construction of a classification system for earthen
aquaculture ponds. The physical and chemical properties of important
soil types are also reviewed because of...
1992-01-09 (iso8601)
A study of the phyletic relationships among five species of
tragopans and an outgroup, the Blood Pheasant (Ithaginis cruentus), was
conducted from 1987 to 1991. Biochemical, behavioral, and external
morphologic characteristics were compared. A...
1991-12-06 (iso8601)
The Kittlitz's murrelet (Brachyramphus brevirostris) is a rare member of the seabird family Alcidae that breeds in coastal areas of Alaska and Beringian Russia. The species belongs to the genus Brachyramphus, an unusual seabird taxon in which all...
2012-12-14 (iso8601)
The influence of land use on potential fates of nitrate (NO3-) in stream ecosystems, ranging from denitrification to storage in organic matter, has not been documented extensively. Here, we describe the Pacific Northwest component of Lotic...
2011-10-12 (iso8601)
The average size and age of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus
tshawytscha) caught in commercial fisheries along the Pacific Coast
of North America have decreased substantially in this century. These
declines might be caused in part by changes in size...
1992-02-18 (iso8601)
Despite concern expressed two decades ago, there has been little recent discussion about continuing declines of migrant bird populations. Monitoring efforts have been focused almost exclusively on the breeding grounds. We describe the long-term...
2013-01-01 (iso8601)
The early life history stages and metamorphosis in Dover
sole (Microstomus pacificus) are described from 201 larvae and
juveniles. Unlike other pleuronectids, with the possible exception
of the deep-sea sole (Embassichthvs bathvbius), initial...
1992-05-29 (iso8601)
Estimation of belowground carbon stocks in tropical wetland forests requires funding for laboratory analyses and suitable facilities, which are often lacking in developing nations where most tropical wetlands are found. It is therefore beneficial...
2012-11-14 (iso8601)
Despite the importance of habitat in determining species distribution and persistence, habitat dynamics are rarely modeled in studies of metapopulations. We used an integrated habitat-occupancy model to simultaneously quantify habitat change, site...
2012-04 (iso8601)
Agricultural practices, including tillage, fertilization, and residue management, can affect surface runoff, soil erosion, and nutrient cycling. These processes, in turn, may adversely affect (1) quality of aquatic resources as habitat for...
2012-05 (iso8601)