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Humus is one of the important factors controlling the soil
formation process. The nutrients released from it during the decomposition
process also affect the growth and reproduction of the
forest. The type of humus formed is influenced by the...
1968-06-11 (iso8601)
An ionization chamber was constructed, using a fiberglass wall
sphere, for the purpose of measuring background radiation. The
system consists of the fiberglass wall chamber, 38.85 liters in
volume, air filled, not sealed, used in conjunction with...
1968-08-19 (iso8601)
The purpose of this study was to determine the present status
of introduced parasites of the omnivorous leaf tier, Cnephasia
longana (Haworth) in Oregon.
The omnivorous leaf tier is native to Europe. It was introduced
into North America around...
1968-07-17 (iso8601)
SAR11 Alphaproteobacteria are the most abundant aerobic chemoheterotrophs in ocean surface waters. Previous studies have indicated SAR11 cells play an important role in marine carbon cycling and consume up to half of some common dissolved organic...
2014-02-17 (iso8601)
The persistence of DCPA, trifluralin, diphenamid, diuron, and
prometryne was studied in three soils which were located at the Kula,
Poamoho, and Waimanalo Experiment Stations. The order of decreasing
persistency was diuron, prometryne,...
1968-07-26 (iso8601)
A saprozoic nematode, Diplogaster lheriteiri Maupas 1919,
was studied to determine its relationship to the plant pathogenic bacteria,
Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith and Townsend) Conn.,
Erwinia amylovora (Burrill) Winslow et al., Erwinia...
1968-08-29 (iso8601)
An experiment was conducted to determine the best method to
establish subterranean clover on medusahead infested ranges in
Western Oregon. Secondary objectives of this study were to determind
the effects of management treatments on (a)...
1968-09-24 (iso8601)
The objective of this thesis is to examine and compare hot
metal and cold type production of display advertising for newspapers.
The classical hot metal system uses a lead alloy as its basic building
material while modern cold type production uses...
1968-05-29 (iso8601)
As the negative impacts of a fossil fueled electricity market are becoming more prevalent and destructive, the necessity for alternative energy techniques increases as well. However, before commercial implementation is underway, these alternatives...
2014-03-03 (iso8601)
Three types of experiments were designed to further characterize
the tryptophan decarboxylating enzyme of Reed and Crecelius
1) Light inhibition studies were made with etiolated pea seedlings
to determine the in vitro response of the...
1968-10-04 (iso8601)
Previous field research with terbacil (3-tert-butyl-5-chloro-
6-methyluracil) has shown that early fall applications to dry soil
performed better than did late fall or early winter applications to
wet soil. Field and greenhouse studies were...
1968-07-22 (iso8601)
Two separate investigations were carried out. The first experiment
on subterranean clover (Mr. Barker) was conducted in the field
and greenhouse on the Steiwer soil. The second experiment on alfalfa
(DuPuits) was conducted in the greenhouse on...
1968-12-20 (iso8601)
Classification based on metathoracic wing venation does not
coincide with the existing higher classification of the family Scutelleridae.
The wings of the genera in the Scutellerinae possess a
similar general pattern of venation which is quite...
1968-10-29 (iso8601)
Five experiments were conducted to study the activity of the
pituitary gland in sheep as influenced by estrogen administered alone
or in combination with progesterone. Particular emphasis was given
to the study of gonadotropic activity.
1968-06-20 (iso8601)
A source test was conducted to determine the particulate and the
total gaseous hydrocarbon emissions from a gas heated veneer dryer.
Samples were taken on eight separate days from the exhaust stacks
while the dryer was processing Douglas fir...
1968-09-04 (iso8601)
During construction of the embankment at Blue River Dam
placement difficulties were occasionally experienced with the filter
zone sands. In the extreme condition construction equipment became
mired and part of the fill had to be removed and...
1968-06-04 (iso8601)
Of 149 wild animals from two western Oregon river drainage
areas and other localities in which "salmon poisoning" disease (SPD)
is enzootic, including ten mammalian and two avian species, 79
harbored Nanophyetus salmincola, the SPD vector. The...
1969-05-09 (iso8601)