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Several aspects of the potent inhibition of bovine plasma amine
oxidase (PAO) by hydrazines were investigated by kinetic and preparative
means. The inhibition was classified as pseudo-irreversible
by the method of Ackerman and Potter (Proc. Soc....
1968-12-13 (iso8601)
The paper is a study of (i) the realization of the gyrator,
(ii) active filter synthesis using gyrator.
Several realization methods of the gyrator are summarized.
A practical gyrator composed of two operational amplifiers was built
and tested. The...
1969-08-12 (iso8601)
The purpose of the research was to computerize mathematical
procedures for the analysis of range vegetation and environmental
data. The specific objectives were as follows:
1. to develop and apply computer techniques to the classification
1971-12-17 (iso8601)
Alnus rubra (Bong. ) seedlings were grown in sand culture and
irrigated with nutrient solution containing CdCl₂
ranging from 5 μg to 100 mg per liter. Treatment of A. rubra seedlings for 4 weeks
with 50 and 100 mg CdCl₂
per liter of nitrogen-free...
1977-07-13 (iso8601)
The purpose of this research is to develop methods to
translate a certain machine independent intermediate
language (IML) to efficient horizontal microprograms for a
class of microprogrammable machines. This IML has been
developed by Malik (12)...
1978-10-27 (iso8601)
The purpose of this study was to locate and analyze experimental
studies of teacher training that tested elements of Bandura's
social learning theory. Bandura's theory emphasizes the role of
modeling in the acquisition of new modes of...
1978-05-24 (iso8601)
Shrimp gradually has become a significant portion of seafood in
Oregon during the last two decades. The attention is attracted to the
economic, technology, and efficiency of resource management, harvesting,
processing, and marketing.
This thesis...
1975-12-12 (iso8601)
The 865 ewe production records taken from three lamb crops, were
analyzed to study breed effects, heterosis, environmental effects and
interactions between them, and breed and heterosis x environment interaction
effects on ewe production traits....
1974-03-18 (iso8601)
The development and maintenance of a family achievement
theme was analyzed using two dramas: Long Day's Journey Into Night
by Eugene O'Neill and A Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. Three
propositions were tested: 1) The development of a family...
1978-06-08 (iso8601)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of
logging on the productivity, structure and biomass of a periphyton
community developed in mountain streams. The three streams used
in this investigation were located in the coast range of...
1968-08-27 (iso8601)
The fungus Phoma menthae Strasser causes black lesions and
cankers on stems and rhizomes of Mentha piperita L. The purpose
of this thesis was to: 1) study the production of polygalacturonase
(PG) and macerating enzymes (ME) by P. menthae in vivo...
1969-02-20 (iso8601)
Most studies of bacteria in water have concerned public health; little attention has been given to organisms which are indigenous to
the aquatic environment. Myxobacteria are known to occur in soil,
in the marine environment, and several have been...
1969-09-05 (iso8601)
A low-energy, low-exposure-rate, guarded-field ionization
chamber system with a sensitive volume of approximately 1040 cm³ and an exposure-rate range from 60 mR/h to less than 0.5 mR/h
was designed, constructed and calibrated. The calibration was...
1969-09-03 (iso8601)
The production of hydrogen has been one of the most heavily studied, energy related fields over the past half century, yet few methods are commercially or economically viable and none are currently sustainable. Of those aiming at the sustainable...
2014-01-24 (iso8601)
In this thesis, we are concerned with the synthesis of a
specified voltage ratio transfer function having a specified complex
termination. A method for the active network synthesis with specified
complex termination using resistive and capacitive...
1969-07-30 (iso8601)
The Cedar Creek area, consisting of about 30 square miles, is
located on the west flank of the central Madison Range in Madison
County, Montana.
The rocks of the area include carbonates, sandstones, mudstones,
cherts, phosphorite, metamorphic...
1973-07-30 (iso8601)
The present thesis is about the electric power distribution system
for the city of Mecca, in Saudi Arabia. The distribution system
of Mecca started suddenly, grew haphazardly and developed quickly
with a load factor as high as 38%. Lack of...
1972-01-18 (iso8601)
Local property-owning residents maintain high levels of interest
and awareness regarding a neighboring natural resource complex.
Factors, however, such as proximity, personal interests, use patterns
and economic considerations cause local...
1972-09-20 (iso8601)
This study investigated several physiological aspects of the
water economy of the Sage Sparrow, Amphispiza belli nevadensis,as
they relate to the ability of this species to inhabit xeric desert environments.
When maintained in captivity on a dry...
1969-01-23 (iso8601)
Two experiments were conducted to study the effects of
melengestrol acetate (MGA) on inhibition of estrus, post-treatment
conception rates in heifers and rats, and MGA given during gestation
on the reproductive performance in rats. MGA was...
1969-09-17 (iso8601)
This investigation was designed to study articulation between
Oregon secondary mathematics programs and college mathematics at
Oregon State University. Three main facets of the problem were
1. The relationship of several factors to the...
1969-03-12 (iso8601)