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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships
that were hypothesized to exist between the variables birth order,
family size, and parents college attendance and the dependent variable,
college graduation. The three general...
1970-08-13 (iso8601)
BACKGROUND: The illicit use of prescription stimulants (IUPS) has emerged as a high-risk behavior of the 21st century college student. As the study of IUPS is relatively new, we aimed to understand 1) characteristics of IUPS (i.e., initiation,...
2013-10 (iso8601)
Much has been written concerning the establishment and improvement
of the athletic program in large high schools. However, much of that
which is applicable to large high schools is not applicable to the smaller
The chief purposes of...
1971-03-31 (iso8601)
A method has been devised for the digital recording of mass
spectra and for reduction of the data by means of the CDC-3300 digital
computer. The computer program *MASSPEC was developed to reduce
the digital data obtained from a rare-gas mass...
1972-01-14 (iso8601)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of social
position and stage in the family life cycle on the use of living and
family rooms in houses with and without a family room.
Homes built from two floorplans were selected for the...
1971-06-29 (iso8601)
An experimental technique employing a moveable Mach-Zender
interferometer for measuring composition profiles in the gas phase
of an Arnold diffusion cell has been developed. The experimental
apparatus included a specially built cell having a pair...
1972-02-07 (iso8601)
The abundances of 12 elements, Fe, A1, Na, Ni, Cr, Mn,
Co, Ca, Sc, Ir, Sm and Eu have been determined by INAA in 61
individual chondrules (0.1-100 mg) separated from five Allende (C3)
meteoritic fragments ( 25g). Ti and V have been determined in...
1971-09-01 (iso8601)
This study was a systematic investigation of four Chinese textile
motifs-- the fret, swastika, Shou and Hsi. The purpose of this study
was to analyze the variations in these motifs and their uses on textiles.
The literature concerned the origin,...
1971-08-12 (iso8601)
The purpose of this study was to test two assumptions. They
are that factors in a child's background correlate with the notion of
conservation and that additional mathematical instruction will result
in a higher level of maturity of the notion of...
1971-05-19 (iso8601)
The effects of irrigation frequencies and rates and time of
nitrogen fertilizer application on the yields, grades and N status of
Russet Burbank potatoes were determined on a sandy soil near
Hermiston, Oregon.
Increasing the frequency of...
1972-05-08 (iso8601)
These studies were initiated to investigate the influence of previous
superphosphate fertilizer practices and grazing stock history on
nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur status in soils from grass-legume
pastures. Four Western Oregon soil series,...
1971-10-01 (iso8601)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the distribution
and magnitude of scattered radiation from a typical
mobile radiographic examination as an aid in evaluating
the potential health hazards of the scattered radiation.
Also discussed are...
1971-09-02 (iso8601)
Note: From here on Minimum Pollution Product and MPP will be used
This study was initiated to develop a trademark which could be
registered and used for advertising purposes by companies producing
and selling products which are...
1972-02-23 (iso8601)
Spatial, diel and seasonal variations in dissolved oxygen and
temperature were measured in Triangle Lake, Oregon. Spatial dissolved
oxygen and temperature variations measured in the stratified
lake are presented to illustrate the horizontal...
1972-03-03 (iso8601)
OBJECTIVES. Bioactive glass (BAG) is known to possess antimicrobial properties and release
ions needed for remineralization of tooth tissue, and therefore may be a strategic additive
for dental restorative materials. The objective of this study...
2013-11 (iso8601)
This thesis is a study of the clothing behavior of disadvantaged
adolescents in a rural community as it relates to the factors of social class, security level, peer acceptance and self-selection of clothing.
This study was selected because very...
1971-07-27 (iso8601)
There seems to be a lack of information and even much misinformation
as to how agricultural experiment stations should be planned,
organized, and operated. The problem becomes more serious in
some of the developing countries that have organized...
1970-06-01 (iso8601)
An introduction to the generalized measures of deformation-
rates involving not only velocity gradients but also
acceleration gradients is given and constitutive equations
using these measures have been discussed. These new constitutive
1970-06-25 (iso8601)
Straw has many uses, as feed, roughage, animal bedding, but
these requirements are not sufficient to utilize the available production.
In areas where grasskseed is produced, post-harvest straw is
burned in the field to help prevent crop disease...
1970-12-18 (iso8601)
With the increased production and use of double knit fabrics
made from textured filament polyester, homemakers have become
concerned over procedures for care that can be successfully carried
out in the home. The purpose of this study was to...
1970-10-15 (iso8601)
The purpose of this study was to develop a programmed learning
booklet concerned with the care of groups of young children. The
instructional material was designed to be used in homemaking and
occupational programs. The criteria for developing the...
1970-06-10 (iso8601)
Dead weight creep tests were conducted on polycarbonate in
order to determine if it is a linear viscoelastic material; or if it is
not, then to determine the feasibility of photoplastic stress freezing.
Secondary objectives were: the determination...
1970-06-08 (iso8601)
Direct digital control is becoming quite common in the control
of industrial processes. However, due to the relatively high accuracy
of both analog and conventional digital systems for controlling the
speed of a dc motor, there has been a...
1972-04-26 (iso8601)