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Ten species of bats occur in the Oregon Coast Range and are hypothesized to be
associated with late-successional forests. The development of characteristics of late-successional
forests in young forest stands can be accelerated through...
1996-09-04 (iso8601)
Field collections in the Southern Gulf of Oman and the Northwestern Arabian Sea, and
examination of museum collections from this study area, yielded 7 genera and 33 species
of apogonid fishes. Twenty one species of Apogon, one Archamia, four...
1996-03-25 (iso8601)
Large scale disruption of natural habitats worldwide has led to concern over the
effects of habitat fragmentation on wildlife populations. Small scale experiments may be
a useful tool for discovering effects of fragmentation over larger landscape...
1996-11-25 (iso8601)
Three experiments were designed to determine if and how steelhead trout,
Oncorhynchus mykiss, may affect chinook salmon, O. tshawytscha, when they are
confined together as in a raceway or on a barge. We observed groups of chinook and
1997-04-29 (iso8601)
Fisheries management based on catch shares – divisions of annual fleet-wide quotas among individuals or groups – has been strongly supported for their economic benefits, but biological consequences have not been rigorously quantified. We used a...
2012-09 (iso8601)
Intermittent, headwater streams recently have been recognized as important
components of forest ecosystems and have been provided increased protection by the
Northwest Forest Plan. However, few studies have examined their distribution,
1997-02-03 (iso8601)
Relations between the diversity of juvenile anadromous salmonids and pool features
were examined in a managed and a pristine watershed in Oregon during the summer of
1990. There were no differences (p>0.05) in pool depth, velocity or pool wood...
1996-11-18 (iso8601)
Stocks of salmon are declining in the Pacific Northwest. Based on region-wide studies that list and categorize the status of salmon stocks (Nehlsen et al., 1991; Huntington et al., 1994; and Nawa, 1995), I analyze the watersheds where stocks of...
1998-04-09 (iso8601)
The distribution of herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) in
the Northeast Pacific extends from southern California to
northern Alaska. Studies on variation in herring life-history
are limited to local
characteristics and recruitment
populations or...
1996-11-14 (iso8601)
The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any other contemporary phenomenon¹⁻³. With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas are increasingly becoming final refuges for threatened species and...
2012-09-13 (iso8601)
The long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum)
is the top vertebrate predator in fishless high-elevation
lakes in North Cascades National Park Service Complex
(NOCA), Washington. The purpose of this research was to
determine the effects of...
1996-05-15 (iso8601)
Waldo Lake, located in the Oregon Cascades, is
considered to be one of the most dilute lakes in the
world. Even with very low nutrient concentrations and
sparse populations of zooplankton, introduced fish in the
lake are large in size and in good...
1996-06-24 (iso8601)
I monitored demography, movement, and reproductive behavior of gray-tailed voles, Microtus canicaudus, in experimental habitat patches with and without corridors. I tested the hypotheses that reproductive rate, juvenile recruitment, and population...
1997-04-08 (iso8601)
Riparian zones are critical habitats for management because of their importance
for both cattle production and wildlife, and a high potential for resource conflicts.
Riparian management should address habitat and microhabitat features that sustain...
1996-06-10 (iso8601)
Initially, components of an aquatic food web were examined to study impacts of recreational use on the aquatic ecology of Quartzville Creek, Oregon in 1995 and 1996. Measurements of the food web components consisted of observations of harlequin...
1997-02-28 (iso8601)
To reduce conflicts with fish resources, other colonial waterbirds, and damage to habitats, double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) are currently controlled (lethally and non-lethally) throughout much of their range. Concerns are growing...
2012-09 (iso8601)
Measuring habitat selection by bats is complicated by their intricate life cycle. Scaling habitat measurements to reflect a hierarchal habitat selection process can help to define habitat associations of bats. I assessed day roost habitat of...
1996-02-09 (iso8601)
This study examined the distribution and behavior of adult spring chinook salmon
(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) related to patterns of stream temperature and physical
habitat at channel unit, reach, and basin-wide spatial scales in both a wilderness...
1996-07-08 (iso8601)
Responses of juvenile steelhead trout to changes in stream habitat resulting from an instream habitat rehabilitation project in Meadow Creek, Oregon were measured from 1991 through 1992 and compared to pre-treatment data from 1987 through 1990....
1997-04-04 (iso8601)
Numerous laboratory studies with at least 12 species of rodents have reported that exposure of females to strange males results in pregnancy disruption or infanticide. The proximate causes and ultimate benefits of these behaviors have been...
1997-04-07 (iso8601)
Twenty-three bottom-trawl fish assemblages were identified from the relative biomass of
33 dominant species that occurred in the National Marine Fisheries Services' triennial
trawl surveys over the continental shelf and upper slope off California,...
1996-04-25 (iso8601)
1989-08-17 (iso8601)
Temperature influences the incidence of chemically induced cancer in fish,
with warmer temperatures being associated with higher cancer incidence. The
mechanisms of temperature-modulated chemical carcinogenesis in fish, however,
have not been...
1996-03-06 (iso8601)
Colony size, nesting ecology and diet of Caspian Terns (Hydroprogne caspia) were investigated
in the San Francisco Bay area (SFBA) during 2003-2009 to assess the potential for conservation of the tern
breeding population and possible negative...
2012-03 (iso8601)