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Invasive species are a major threat to global biodiversity. Understanding the mechanisms underlying successful invasions is imperative for developing effective management strategies. Plasticity in physiological, morphological, and behavioral...
2011-07-06 (iso8601)
A nested mating experiment in which 20 males were each mated
to four different females was used to obtain an estimate of the heritability
of resistance to death from gas bubble disease in Columbia
River fall chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus...
1974-05-09 (iso8601)
Distribution of nest sites and reproductive success were
determined for prairie falcons breeding in Oregon during 1973 and
1974. The study area encompassed a major portion of the eastern
half of the state. I located and monitored 63 breeding...
1975-04-30 (iso8601)
Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) were exposed to sublethal levels of a water-soluble fraction (WSF) of Cook Inlet crude oil for periods ranging from 18 to 31 days, at four acclimation temperatures. The fatty acid composition of phospholipids...
1980-04-09 (iso8601)
Data are presented on the life history and population dynamics of rex sole (Glyptocephalus zachirus Lockington) collected from Oregon waters between September 1969 and October 1973. Length-weight relationships vary little between sexes or with...
1975-05-08 (iso8601)
Laboratory studies were conducted on the food consumption, growth, and bioenergetics of juvenile coho salmon (Oncoynchus kisutch) held at various swimming velocities and dissolved oxygen
concentrations at 15 C. Food consumption and growth of...
1973-05-25 (iso8601)
An attempt was made to differentiate between runs of steelhead by comparing the reassociations of their DNA. Conditions for the reassociation were studied using E. coli DNA, and observations
were made spectrophotometrically. Of the five buffers...
1972-08-16 (iso8601)
In an effort to enhance the possibilities of commercially rearing crayfish (Pacifastacus trowbridgii), the subyearling segment of the life cycle was examined to determine practical ways of increasing survival and growth. Four experiments were...
1973-03-28 (iso8601)
1966-05-05 (iso8601)
The growth and food consumption of juvenile coho salmon [Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum)] exposed to natural and elevated fluctuating temperatures were studied in the laboratory with wild fish
collected from a salmonid rearing stream. Control...
1973-02-05 (iso8601)
English sole is a major contributor to Oregon and Washington groundfish resources. In accordance with the continued trend of increasing fishing effort, in 1975 Oregon State University Sea Grant
funded an extensive groundfish research program: the...
1986-12-12 (iso8601)
An analysis of 4,385 recoveries of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), that were reported during the years 1929 to 1972, was made to determine the migrational characteristics and survival rates of
mallards banded at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in...
1974-08-12 (iso8601)
Behavior and survival in fresh water were studied for three brood years of coho salmon in Sashin Creek, Alaska, from October 1963, until September 1966. Investigations of spawning adults were conducted to determine numbers of spawners,...
1967-07-14 (iso8601)
Phenotypic similarities of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
stocks from Oregon, Washington, and California were compared using
agglomerative and divisive cluster analyses. The phenotypic characters
evaluated included the following: 1) the...
1979-08-15 (iso8601)