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The spatial ecology of a species is a vital component of informed management and restoration plans, yet little is known about how animals use restored or constructed habitat. We assessed home ranges, core areas, and habitat selection of the...
2011-06-10 (iso8601)
A topic of recurring interest in ecological research is the degree to which
vegetation structure influences the distribution and abundance of species. Here we test the
applicability of remote sensing, particularly novel use of waveform lidar...
2010-06 (iso8601)
We used reverse time capture-mark-recapture models to describe associations between rate of population change (λ) and climate for northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) at six long-term study areas in Washington and Oregon, USA....
2010-06-21 (iso8601)
Tidal marshlands in the upper estuary ecotone provide essential habitat for
juvenile salmonids. In this environment, salmonids grow rapidly and acclimate to
saltwater. Worldwide, tidal marshes have been diked and drained to provide
2010-08-06T18:09:40Z (iso8601)
See pdf.
1974-02-15 (iso8601)
A number of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations are at risk throughout Oregon, including five populations that are federally listed as threatened or endangered. However, little is known about behavior and survival of these fish as they...
2010-08-17T15:33:16Z (iso8601)
Kesterson Reservoir (Kesterson) received subsurface agricultural drainwater containing high levels of salts and other minerals from farmland in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Aquatic plants and invertebrates were sampled at Kesterson in...
1987-04-15 (iso8601)
Periodic determinations of plasma hormone levels suggested that changes in interrenal activity are unrelated to changes in thyroidal or gonadal activity during development (smoltification) of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Moreover,...
1988-02-09 (iso8601)
Ninety-one species of birds were surveyed in grass/forb, early and late shrub/sapling, pole, and medium sawtimber stages of young-growth Douglas-fir in northwestern California; patterns of bird distribution and abundance were related to habitat...
1984-11-20 (iso8601)
Water temperature influenced interactions between redside
shiners and juvenile steelhead trout (≥1+) in the field and the
laboratory. Distribution of the two species within various habitats
was determined in three streams with different water...
1984-11-27 (iso8601)
Adequate management and scientific investigation of ecosystems
depends on classification of landscape systems based on all significant
bio-physical and associated cultural properties. The present
classification is a hierarchical systems design...
1987-06-02 (iso8601)
For my research goals I addressed the theoretical importance of
competition in habitat selection of 2 quails and examined the use of
resources in peripheral and core areas. Methodological objectives
were to determine cover and food selection of...
1984-02-09 (iso8601)
Organization and the adaptation of aquatic laboratory ecosystems
to resource availability, exploitation, and a toxicant were examined in
a 34-month study. Sixteen 560-liter microcosms including prey,
predator, and competitor populations were...
1980-10-03 (iso8601)
The metabolic clearance rate (MCR) of plasma radioactivity after a
single intracardial injection of ³H-cortisol was elevated during the
Spring in yearling coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch. The reasons for
this increase in MCR are not clear, but...
1983-05-04 (iso8601)
Effects of the marine environment on age and size at maturity, early marine growth, and abundance of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, were studied at Olsen Creek during 1959-77. Chum salmon returned to Olsen Creek as predominately 3-, 4-, and...
1979-06-26 (iso8601)
Aquatic communities consisting of guppies, amphipods, copepods, snails, nematodes, rotifers, protozoans, euglenoid flagellates, and other microorganisms were established in sixteen laboratory microcosms. Guppies were exploited at four different...
1980-06-20 (iso8601)
Within the tested range of 1000 - 7000 eyed eggs/ft² gravel substrate (1.08 - 7.53 eggs/cm²), the optimum stocking density for chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) eggs in shallow matrix substrate incubators occurred at 3000 - 4000 eggs/ft². Premature...
1980-08-01 (iso8601)
Seventeen populations of Gila Baird and Girard are identified from the Alvord Basin of southeastern Oregon and northwestern Nevada. Gila in the Alvord Basin occupy a wide range of habitats, including warm springs, cool springs, creeks, reservoirs,...
1980-07-25 (iso8601)
Relative effects of light, nutrients, and grazing on primary production were investigated in streams in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and in laboratory streams. Relative magnitudes of primary production and associated processes were examined for...
1980-03-06 (iso8601)
See pdf
1978-04-26 (iso8601)
Short-term effects of 3 grazing systems and prescribed burning on bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) populations were investigated on the Welder Wildlife Refuge near Corpus Christi, Texas, during spring (April through June) and fall (September through...
1978-05-08 (iso8601)
A study of the effects of stabilized and unstabilized kraft mill effluents on the production of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in six laboratory streams was conducted at the Pacific Cooperative Water Pollution Laboratories, Oregon State...
1970-04-30 (iso8601)
Efforts to manage stocks of salmonids in Pacific Northwest stream systems are complicated by the occurrence of several runs of a species thought to represent races rearing sympatrically as juveniles. In order to collect the population statistics...
1978-05-02 (iso8601)