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Marine protected areas (MPAs), ideally, manage human uses that threaten ecosystems, or components of ecosystems. During several recent MPA designation processes, concerns have arisen over the scientific justification for no-take MPAs, particularly...
2008-12 (iso8601)
Experiments were performed to determine the rate of recolonization of sediment-associated microalga and effects of infauna on microalgal biomass and production. Estuarine sediment was defaunated and transplanted to the field and the laboratory....
1983-03-24 (iso8601)
Sediment-associated microalgal biomass expressed as chlorophyll a concentration, total organic matter concentration expressed as ash-free dry weight, and hourly rates of net community primary production and community oxygen consumption were...
1983-08-30 (iso8601)
While growth and survival of marine fish larvae in the sea may be dependent on prey type, size and concentration, nutritional quality of prey may also play an important role. This study investigates the relationships of lipid content of prey with...
1992-12-08 (iso8601)
Population dynamics of coral reef fishes and spiny lobster appear to be determined by variable recruitment interacting with post-settlement processes, particularly predation. The risk of predation may be modified by the scaling between prey and...
1997-04-10 (iso8601)
This study examined, under controlled laboratory conditions, behavioral responses of larval walleye pollock (4 to 8 mm) to various physical factors that may potentially play a role in vertical movements and distribution. Diel periodicity in...
1990-05-29 (iso8601)
The effects of anomalous oceanographic conditions on growth, abundance, spawn-date distributions, and diet of early-juvenile Pacific hake Merluccius productus were examined in nursery grounds off the coast of central California, USA. Spring...
2002-09-12 (iso8601)
We quantified both in situ predation on Pacific herring (Clupea haregus pallasi ) larvae by soft-bodied zooplankton, and microzooplankton prey of herring larvae in Kulleet Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Samples were collected at 0 to 5 m...
1990-01-11 (iso8601)
Behavioral responses of juvenile bluefish P. saltatrix L. exposed to cold water in a vertical thermal gradient were measured under controlled laboratory conditions. The temperature regime was similar to conditions that these fish encounter in...
1985-05-16 (iso8601)
Prior studies have demonstrated that juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma forage socially in schools for spatially and temporally clumped food, but forage more independently for spatially and temporally dispersed food. One advantage of...
1997-07-10 (iso8601)
Research was undertaken to examine the influence of light intensity on the shoaling behavior, activity and anti-predator behavior of juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma. Under a 12 h light/12 h dark photoperiod, juveniles displayed a...
1998-06-18 (iso8601)
Walleye pollock and sablefish, as 0+ yr juveniles, are pelagic particulate feeding planktivores. We conducted a series of laboratory experiments to determine how illumination influences prey consumption in these species, utilizing live Artemia sp....
1999-05-18 (iso8601)
The effects of reduced food availability on the behavior of juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma were examined in laboratory experiments designed to test for potential energy-conserving responses. Groups of juvenile fish were held on 1...
1996-03-28 (iso8601)
Larval and age-0 sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria reside in neustonic waters of the North Pacific during spring and summer. We estimated the potential impacts of elevated surface temperatures on ecological processes of growth, conversion efficiency,...
2001-07-31 (iso8601)
Gravid adult female Euphausia pacifica were collected off Newport, Oregon, USA and transferred to the laboratory, where females spawned eggs, eggs hatched, and larvae were reared at 10.5 degrees C. We fed 4 cohorts of larvae to excess with a...
2006-07-03 (iso8601)
We compared brood sizes among adult female Euphausia pacifica Hansen, 1911 from 3
populations in the North Pacific: Puget Sound, Washington, USA; Toyama Bay, Japan; and the Oregon coast, USA. Additionally, we used multiple linear regression models...
2006-10-05 (iso8601)
The Moult Rate (MR) method has been used widely to derive stage-specific growth rates in juvenile copepods. It is the most common field-based method. Unfortunately, the equation underlying the method is wrong and, consequently, large errors in...
2005-07-12 (iso8601)
Unusual collections of several euphausiid, chaetognath, and copepod species help elucidate
the effects of the strong 1997/1998 El Niño off the central Oregon, USA, coast. Furcilia of Nyctiphanes simplex, a euphausiid typically found only as far...
2005-06-23 (iso8601)
During the summer of 1994, 1996, and 1997, we conducted hydrographic and plankton surveys of the upper 70 m in the nearshore, the continental shelf, and off shelf oceanic waters off Oregon, USA. Copepod densities and biomass were estimated along 4...
2003-03-10 (iso8601)
The impact of mesoscale eddies on the spatial distribution of zooplankton biomass was analysed using data from the Arabian Sea and the Black Sea. The highest values of spatial variance of zooplankton biomass in the upper 100 to 150 m were found in...
1995-11-23 (iso8601)
Seabirds have often been proposed as environmental indicators. Beached bird data may provide an additional data source and such data is efficacious because it can reliably be collected by volunteers. In addition to anthropogenic factors, such as...
2007-12-20 (iso8601)
Global increases in ultraviolet-B radiation (UVBR) have the potential to alter marine primary production and to affect carbon cycles and marine trophic dynamics. Estimates of UVBR induced photoinhibition have varied greatly, indicating that a...
1993-12-09 (iso8601)
North Atlantic right whales were instrumented with suction-cup mounted, time-depth recorders (TDR) during the summers of 2000 and 2001 to examine their diving and foraging behavior. Simultaneous observations of temperature, salinity and the...
2003-12-15 (iso8601)
Simultaneous visual and oceanographic surveys were conducted in the lower Bay of Fundy and in Roseway Basin of the SW Scotian Shelf during the summers of 1999 to 2001 to investigate the physical and biological oceanographic factors associated with...
2003-12-15 (iso8601)