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1970-07-17 (iso8601)
Seismic refraction measurements along two unreversed lines
indicate that the earth's crust is 26 km thick in southeastern Alaska
and 30 km thick along the Inside Passage of British Columbia. The
crust in southeastern Alaska, north of Dixon...
1971-10-13 (iso8601)
The apparent dissociation constants of carbonic acid were
determined as functions of temperature and salinity in seawater
at atmospheric pressure.
There is fair agreement between my values of K'₁ and those
of Buch et al. (1932), Lyman (1956), and...
1973-03-09 (iso8601)
The abundance and distribution of biogenic, terrigenous and
volcanic particles in the Panama Basin are markedly dependent on
bottom topography and dissolution of calcite in the deeper parts of the
basin. Of the coarse fraction (>62μ),...
1972-10-27 (iso8601)
Reliable data for tropical storm occurrences in the northern
portion of the eastern Tropical Pacific did not become available until
1966. Considering the years 1966-75, sizeable interannual variations
in storm frequency are evident. Six...
1976-07-30 (iso8601)
The fall-winter surface current field off Oregon was determined
by analysis of ten years of drift bottle data. Computer programs were
developed for generating bottle tracks on a numerical grid, for interpolating
bottle velocity components to fill...
1973-04-30 (iso8601)
Physical sources of nutrient nitrogen for the Auke Bay, Alaska
estuarine ecosystem were investigated. These sources included
vertical dispersion, advection, and fresh water sources. Hydrographic
circulation patterns for the bay, and a nutrient...
1972-06-02 (iso8601)
This study is an investigation of the endogenous, or internal,
rhythms of activity in the ocean shrimp, Pandalus jordani, Groups
of shrimp were kept in constant light and temperature conditions in
the laboratory, and activity was monitored...
1973-05-11 (iso8601)
An inexpensive method for calibrating an infrared analyzer
to measure varying ranges of carbon dioxide partial pressures
(Pco₂) is described. A discussion is made of the hydrographic (temperature,
salinity, and sigma-t) and chemical (dissolved...
1972-12-01 (iso8601)
The results of measurements of the fluxes of momentum, moisture and sensible heat in the marine boundary layer are described.
Two techniques for obtaining the fluxes are discussed. The fluxes
of these quantities are most directly obtained by the...
1971-06-11 (iso8601)
Phytoplankton dynamics in Auke Bay, Alaska, were studied during
summer, 1969. Nitrate, chlorophyll a, particulate organic carbon,
phytoplankton and zooplankton species composition and hydrographic
and meteorological data were collected and...
1971-12-22 (iso8601)
The shallow, wave-swept sea floor off the central Oregon coast
is used by 0-age flatfishes as a nursery ground. This dissertation
is based on a series of projects designed to: 1) identify the dominant
meiobenthic nematodes present in a coastal...
1981-10-13 (iso8601)
Fourier techniques have recently become popular for the
description of underwater image transmission. Two properties
necessary for the application of Fourier techniques to any system
are those of linearity and invariance. This work describes a...
1971-02-14 (iso8601)
To provide further information on the occurrence and geographical
variations of bioluminescent capabilities of marine dinoflagellates,
forty species, representing twelve genera, of dinoflagellates
from Yaquina Bay, Oregon, were examined for...
1972-09-25 (iso8601)
Two thermal convection problems of geophysical interest are
examined, theoretically. First, convection in the earth's mantle is
treated on the basis of a one-dimensional 'strip model'. This model
results from further simplification of the well...
1971-08-27 (iso8601)
The distribution of Antarctic Intermediate Water in the South
Pacific has been examined using a model of horizontal advection,
along the Sigma-t surface 27.10, with three point vertical mixing.
The core of the Antarctic Intermediate Water mass was...
1971-09-28 (iso8601)
1972-11-20 (iso8601)
The results of a preliminary experiment suggested that a complexed
form of cobalt was more efficacious in promoting growth of a
marine phytoplankton than ionic cobalt. The phytoplankton used in this
experiment was Coccolithus huxleyi, a vitamin...
1974-01-07 (iso8601)
The problem of downward continuation of potential fields is
being considered. The basic approach involves computation in real
space using a power series expansion. The computation of the derivatives
required for evaluating the series is carried...
1973-07-17 (iso8601)
Holocene hemipelagic deposition of terrigenous silts and clays
dominates sedimentation on most of the Oregon and Washington continental
slope. The sources of these sediments, the mechanisms causing sediment
dispersal, and the relative...
1982-04-13 (iso8601)
Dissolved oxygen profiles made with an in situ polarographic
device reveal structure in the form of inversions and gradient
changes in the 100-600 meter depth zone off Oregon. Inversions
10-70 meters thick are traced over distances of 40 miles in...
1972-08-09 (iso8601)