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Caption: April 1, 1977 Overflow dam at Lake Mitchell--just washing over
caption: SCS Photo Sd-9663-5; During Study, specialists were brought in to consult with the staff. Glenn Stucky (left), Irrigation Engineer from Lincoln, Nebraska, poses with Darold McCrossen while considering irrigation potentials.
Caption: SCS Photo Sd-8912-2; Potential reservoir site for municipal water east of St. Lawrence and South of Highway 14.
caption: SCS Photo Sd-8912-4; Directors at regular meeting held at Ipswich in 1963. Left to Right: C.W. Renz, Wendell Lewis, G.R. Garrett, Melvin Roesch, Nelson Hundstad, Hans Jessen, Fred Holscher, Orville Hill, Lloyd Miller, and R.B. Hipple
Caption: SCS Photo Sd-6143-6; Flooding in Riverside Park in Huron, South Dakota (March, 1960).
caption: SCS Photo SD-L-99-9; Summer flooding on James River in 1965, three miles South of Highway 12.
Caption: SCS Photo SD-L-99-12; Flooding along the James River in June, 1965, four miles east of Conde in Spink County
Caption: SCS Photo SD-L-99-8; Elm River run-off kept James River floodplains under water greater portion of summer in 1965. View is one mile South of Highway 12.
caption: SCS Photo Sd-8337-13; Boys shown fishing near Missouri River bridge west of Gettysburg, South Dakota. This area known as Smith's Landing. Many recreation activities take place in this area, including fishing, swimming, boating, and water...
Comb bound report, contains folded maps in pocket inside back cover