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farm buildings partially covered and collapsed by dust storm in 1930s
cars and wagons partially buried in dirt after a dust storm in 1930s
farm buildings partially obscured by dirt after dust storms in 1930s
car on bridge over cracked, dried up river bed in 1930s
Caption: April 1, 1977 Bureau Diversion Dam north of Huron
Caption: April 1, 1977 Bureau Diversion Dam north of Huron
caption: SCS photo: during the study, numerous people were interviewed. Here Darold McCrossen visits with a farm couple with land on Sand Creek floodplain.
Caption: SCS Photo SD-6151-9; Flooding in March, 1960, along Sand Creek just South of Beadle County line
Caption: April 1, 1977 Pumping site--out of James River into Lake Mitchell