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From Part Six: Cross-cultural Perspectives from 'High-Altitude Adaptations in the Southwest'; pages 168 and 177 contain a brief description of Pueblo Indian history, and place names in the Zuni language of places with religious and cultural...
Pages 6-7 about Zuni Indians' beliefs about death and the importance of the solstices.
Reports, memoranda, and correspondence about the Warner Valley Water Project, which would use Virgin River water for the Warner Valley Power Project (a.k.a. Allen-Warner Valley Energy Project).
Documents and correspondence of the Chalk Creek-Hoytsvllle Water Users Corporation
Documents, correspondence of the Chalk Creek-Hoytsvllle Water Users Corporation
Report on the Warner Valley Water Project (part of the Allen-Warner Valley Energy Project) with responses, documents, and correspondence
Seven page essay in Exploration Annual Bulletin of the School of American Research about the history of the Zuni people and their interactions with Spanish, Mexican, American, and Navajo factions.
115 page bill to convey certain lands to the Zuni Indian Tribe for religious purposes, including the area in Arizona called Kolhu/wala:wa.
One page of the Foreword; pages 1-4 of the Introduction; about the significance of kachinas, artistic representations of Zuni kachinas, and the work of Duane Dishta; mentions artist Alex Seotewa; mentions Kolhu/wala:wa
Pages 496-499 from the Journal of American Folk-Lore, volume 30 October-December, 1917 number 118; Zuni folk tale involving Kolhu/wala:wa.
One application form for federal funding, and accompanying internal memo to "John" (probably Boyden) from "Steve"
Maps and diagrams related to Cedar City water development projects
Statistics, graphs, and correspondence relating to Lower Bulloch Dam project to provide hydropower to Cedar City
Includes documents relating to development of Virgin North Fork and allocation of water to Cedar City, Hurricane, and Washington County, Utah, including documents, meeting minutes, correspondence, maps, and statistics.
Reports, meeting minutes and correspondence on Navajo Lake and on Cedar City's interest in tapping it for their water supply
Correspondence, news articles, and state legislation relating to financing Utah water projects, including the Kolob-Cedar City Project, including a pipeline and the Bulloch Dam.
Copies of 1970 contract to supply Cedar City, Utah, with hydropower from the Colorado River Storage Project, with related documents and correspondence
Papers, correspondence, news articles, and text of Congressional bills about the Dixie Project, southwestern Utah
Documents relating to the Dixie Project and water rights claimed by parties in Washington County, Utah, including statistics, maps, certificates of appropriation, and affadavits
Summary of documents relating to the Dixie Project, Kolob Reservoir, and Cedar City water supply, gathered for reference during a Utah Board of Water Resources tour and meeting, August 3 and 4, 1972
Documents and correspondence relating to use of Kolob Project water for Cedar City water supply
Records relating to diversion of water from Kolob Creek for irrigation in Washington County, Utah, and for water supply to Cedar City and vicinity, Utah
Correspondence, meeting minutes, and documentation relating to construction of Kolob Dam and Reservoir and conveying of rights to its water, including agreements, quit-claim deeds, and statistics.
Outline map of the New Mexico portion of Zuni River basin, by Gebhard Engineers, Inc. of Austin, Texas, dated Dec. 13, 1988
Twelve maps of the former Columbia Reservation in Washington State; Cover description document by "ERH" (E. Richard Hart) November 24, 1998