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APPENDIX UU----REPORT OF MAJOR HANDBURY. '2857 in order to secure a channel having 22 feet depth is 80,000 cubic yards; and to secure 25 feet, 170,000 yards. Below Walker Island a 25-foot channel may be found until the...
2858 ILEPOBT OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMV. are encouraged to build up, the desired object will undoubtedly be at- tained. Mention lias before been made of the fact that a large portion of this water is lost at Snag...
APPENDIX UU—14EPO14T OF MAJOR HANDJiURV. 2859 to that of extreme tide and covered with grass. WJien this is done the water will be deep and confined to well-defined channels. We have every reason to believe that at none...
2860 REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF' ENGINEERS, IT. S. ARMY. To insure early and'successful results and economy in carrying out the project herein proposed, it is advisable that the amount estimated for its completion be made...
APPENDIX UU—REPORT OF MAJOR HANDBURf. 2861 getting a channel to the sea 15 feet depth at low water. This being attained it was followed by a demand for 18 feet and then for 20 feet.' During these times the ruling depths over...
2862 REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. ft. ARMY. letter of colonel g. h. mendell, corps of engineers, division engineer, pacific division. United States Engineer Office, San Francisco, Gal., October 5, 1891....
APPENDIX U-U----REPORT OF MAJOR HANDMTRY. 2863 component in this part of the river exceeds the fresh water drainage. A wide and deep channel in Oathlamet Bay, able to pass the flood without needless retardation, would...
2864 REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY. GENERAL REMARKS. The whole line of this improvement is in tidal waters. The influence of tide in the 12 miles of the Willamette lying below Portland is, how- ever, so...
APPENDIX UU----REPORT OF MAJOE HANDBURY. 2865 this is a convex bank, the Board is of opinion that spurs are preferable to parallel works. In reference to the points of difference at Martins Island Bar the Board is of...
2866 EEPOET OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, IT. S. ARMY. I am familiar with this reach of the Columbia Biver, having frequently had my attention called to the obstructions therein for the removal of which an estimate is desired....
APPENDIX UU----REPORT OF MAJOR HANDBURY. 2867 throughout this distance until a point.2J miles above the mouth of the Willamette is reached, where the water suddenly shoals to 9 feet. Pass- ing this shoal, which is about 3,600...
2868 EEPOET OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY. water; this can be done with a layer of fascines 9 inches thick, covered with rock to a depth of 18 inches. I estimate that the cost of this work will be approximately as follows,...
APPENDIX UU----REPORT OF MAJOR HANDBURY. 2869 reaching the place now is the bar just below the town, which it is pro- posed by this project to remove. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Thos. H. Handbury,...
2870 REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. 8. ARMY. of the Board to be paid from appropriation for "improving- lower Will- amette and Columbia rivers in trout and below Portland, Oregon." With, the approval of the Secretary the order...
APPENDIX UU----REPORT OF MAJOR HANDBUEY. 2871 bank in its northern portion that are not at present within its limits. The total length of the river between the extreme northern and southern boundary lines is 10£ miles....
2872 REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. P. ARMY. tor locating these lines are marked upon the tracing, and a descrip- tion of them accompanies this report. The Board while locating these lines, which in its judgment seem for the...
APPENDIX UU—REPORT OF MAJOR HANDBURY. 2873 influential citizens owning property bordering-upon the river and inter- ested in the commerce of the city. The argument of Mr. George on this occasion was to the effect that,...
2874 REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY. is the Morrison Street Bridge, and 1,400 feet above this is the Madison Street Bridge. In order to a clearer understanding of the situation in this locality the Board has prepared a map...
APPENDIX U-U—RJSPORT OF MAJOR HANDBURY. 2875 tion of the hai'bor at Portland, Oregon, a Board of Engineers was con- stituted by Special Orders No. 88, Headquarters, Corps of Engineers, December 24, 1890, to consider and...
2876 REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY. with the center line of Sherlock Avenue; thence in a direction N. 58° 45' W., dis- tance 8,070 feet, to a point; thence in a direction N. 44° 30' W., distance'4,850feet, to a point;...
APPENDIX UU----EEPORT OF MAJOR HANDBURY. 2877 longation westward of the center line of Riissell street which shall be also on the prolongation southward of outer face of the docks of the North Pacific Terminal Company and...
102 p. Includes selected pages of the Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1892.
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