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Prepared for Division of Atmospheric Water Resources Management, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior--Contract no. 14-06-D-6644 <br><br> August 31, 1974 <br><br> Report for period July 1, 1973 - June 30,...
Prepared for Bureau of Reclamation, Office of Atmospheric Water Resources, Denver, Colorado--Contract no. 14-06-D-5447 <br><br> date June 30, 1968
Prepared for South Dakota Weather Control Commission <br><br> May 1, 1973
Prepared for Bureau of Reclamation, Office of Atmospheric Water Resources, Denver, Colorado, PROJECT SKYWATER, under contract no. 14-06-D-5589 <br><br> April 30, 1967 <br><br> includes bibliographies
Prepared for Division of Atmospheric Resources Research, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior--Contract no. 2-07-81-V0256 <br><br> October 1986 <br><br> Report no. AS 155
v. 1. Summary and accomplishments <br><br> Submitted to: Division of Atmospheric Water Resources Management, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Dept. of the Interior--Contract no. 14-06-D-6803 <br><br> Includes bibliographical...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 66-67) <br><br> Prepared for Weather Modification Programme, World Meteorological Organization--Purchase order no. 29462
Estimated date created from dates of data in document

Division of Atmospheric Resources Research, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Interior--Contract no. 2-07-81-V0256. <br><br> Includes bibliographical references <br><br> September 1983
Prepared for Division of Atmospheric Water Resources Management, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior--Contract no. 14-06-D-6644 <br><br> October 31, 1975 <br><br> Report for period July 1, 1974 - June 30,...
Prepared for Division of Atmospheric Water Resources Management, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior--Contract no. 14-06-D-6592
Includes errata <br><br> Includes bibliographical references <br><br> Office of Naval Research--no. ONR-N00014-76-C-0394 <br><br> June 1978
Submitted to Office of Chief Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior--Contract no. 14-06-D-5640 <br><br> Submitted on: 15 November 1966 <br><br> Pt. A. [1 November 1965 - 1 May 1966]
Division of Atmospheric Resources Research, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Interior--Contract no. 7-07-83-V0001 <br><br> Period April 1979-April 1980 <br><br> September 1982
Prepared for the Office of Atmospheric Resources Research, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior--Contract no. 7-07-83-V0008 <br><br> dated November 1982
Prepared for Division of Atmospheric Water Resources Management, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior--Contract no. 14-06-D-6644 <br><br> August 31, 1974 <br><br> Report for period July 1, 1973 - June 30,...
Prepared for the Office of Atmospheric Resources Research, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior--Contract no. 7-07-83-V0008 <br><br> dated September 1981
Prepared for Bureau of Reclamation--Contract no. 6-07-DR-20130 <br><br> October 1976
Prepared for Bureau of Reclamation, Office of Atmospheric Water Resources, Denver, Colorado--Contract no. 14-06-D-5447 <br><br> date June 30, 1968
Prepared for South Dakota Weather Control Commission <br><br> May 1, 1973
Prepared for Bureau of Reclamation, Office of Atmospheric Water Resources, Denver, Colorado, PROJECT SKYWATER, under contract no. 14-06-D-5589 <br><br> April 30, 1967 <br><br> includes bibliographies
Prepared for Division of Atmospheric Resources Research, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior--Contract no. 2-07-81-V0256 <br><br> October 1986 <br><br> Report no. AS 155
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