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First Tentative Outline for "Today" Show, Thursday July 21, 1966. Lawrence Mehren, Chairman and President, Central Arizona Project Association, 1966?
1966 (iso8601)
Carl T. Hayden to George W. P. Hunt re: Swing-Johnson Bill and three state meeting in Los Angeles, December 11, 1926.
1926-12-11 (iso8601)
Henry S. McCluskey and Thomas Maddock to Carl T. Hayden re: hydroelectric power and taxation, January 24,
1927-01-24 (iso8601)
A summary of the fish and wildlife features of the Central Arizona Project and the Pacific Southwest water plan prepared by the Arizona Game and Fish Department,
1965-02 (iso8601)
S 75 : a bill to authorize the construction, operation and maintenance of the Lower Colorado River Basin Project, and for other purposes, January 6, 1965.
1965-01-06 (iso8601)
1927-09-24 (iso8601)
Quality of water of the Colorado River in 1926-1928 by C.S. Howard, Department of the Interior, 1929.
1929 (iso8601)
HR 4671 A Bill to Authorize the Constuction, Operation and Maintenance of the Lower Colorado River Basin Project, and for other purposes, February 9, 1965.
1965-02-09 (iso8601)
Arizona's water problems : an address by Lawrence Mehren ... before Water & Power Agricultural Committee, Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, January 10, 1964.
1964-01-10 (iso8601)
1953-04-14 (iso8601)
This is the truth about the Central Arizona Project, 1950.
1950 (iso8601)