Browse by Archive
1950-02-28 (iso8601)
Boulder Canyon Power Project minority views report, September 2, 1928
1928-04-24 (iso8601)
S 75 A Bill Authorizing the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of a Dam and Incidental Works in the Main Stream of the Colorado River at Bridge Canyon, Together with Certain Appurtenant Dams and Canals, 3/12/1951
1951-03-12 (iso8601)
1927-02-07 (iso8601)
The Colorado River Compact : extension of remarks of Hon. Carl Hayden of Arizona, 1/30/1923. Congressional
1923-01-30 (iso8601)
Arizona's benefits from the Colorado River, by the Colorado Verde River Association, January 29, 1945.
1945-01-29 (iso8601)
C.C. Tillotson to Carl T. Hayden, 4/27/1944 re: Colorado-Verde Project, water allocations and Mexican water.
1945-04-27 (iso8601)
Sidney P. Osborn to Franklin D. Roosevelt, March 16, 1944 re: Mexican water treaty.
1944-03-16 (iso8601)
John R. Murdock to Carl T. Hayden, February 21, 1944 re: Mexican water treaty.
1944-02-21 (iso8601)
Cordell Hull to Carl T. Hayden, November 13, 1943 re: Mexican water treaty.
1943-11-13 (iso8601)
C.C. Tillotson to Carl T. Hayden, 2/19/1945 re: Colorado-Verde Project, water allocations and Mexican water.
1945-02-19 (iso8601)
Central Arizona Project Supplemental Development Report, Region 3 by A.B. West, Regional Director, June 1963.
1963-06-07 (iso8601)