Browse by Archive
Images of Kortes Dam, including hydroelectric equipment inside and outside the dam
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Images of area around Scoggins Dam and Grand Coulee Dam as well as an unlabeled festival
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Water level measurements for the Big Thompson River, Poudre River, Lonetree Creek, and Crow Creek
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Water level measurements for Prospect Valley, Bebee Draw, Bijou Creek, Kiowa Creek, Badjer Creek, Beaver Creek, and Pawnee Creek
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Images likely taken by Maurice Albertson. Accompanying table of contents labels this "Tray #4" (of 4) "Misc. flood"
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Images of Laguna Diversion Dam, forebay, and spillway on the Colorado River in Arizona
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Aerial images of Glen Canyon Dam, Lake Powell, and the Grand Canyon
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Images of a possible site for Livermore Dam near Rabbit Creek and the North Fork Cache la Poudre River northwest of Livermore, Colorado
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Images of Parker Dam and Power House
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Notebook containing groundwater level data and notes for Colorado counties
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Correspondence and reports regarding information on the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station and the United States Agricultural Research Service
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Caption reads, "Outlet branch channels of Lucky Peak Dam, Photo from W.E. Wagner"
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
South Platte Ditch Recharge Demonstration Project data and water level measurements
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Images of men watching drainage demonstrations and one picture of Colorado A and M Department of Engineering car
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Images likely taken by Maurice Albertson. Original slides for "Tray 5" are not in the collection, but are present in digital form along with Trays 1-4. Images of Big Thompson Canyon flood
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Mathematical computations and data regarding irrigation and well pumping in the South Platte River Valley
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
Report and data regarding Narrows Reservoir and the South Platte River
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |