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An official letter from the Environmental Policy Center to opponents of dams and channelization, amended for recirculation by Citizens' Organization for a Sound Trinity.
A manuscript with numbered items from the first meeting of Citizens' Organization for a Sound Trinity, which was held in the home of Don Smith, assistant economics professor at SMU and economic researcher for COST. The group was formed to contest...
This is a telegram from James White of Citizens' Organization for a Sound Trinity (COST) on the day after the bond election in which the financing of the Trinity River Project was defeated. COST had rallied against the project which the Trinity...
Logo of Citizens' Organization for a Sound Trinity

This memorandum refers to the Trinity River Authority's efforts to revive the Trinity River Project.

An information leaflet about upcoming meetings organized jointly by the environmental groups Citizens' Organization for a Sound Trinity, Texas Committee on Natural Resources, Save Open Space, and the Sierra Club ahead of hearings on the Trinity...

Telegram informing James White, chairman of Citizens' Organization for a Sound Trinity, of the passing of a bill to provide funds for the Trinity River Project.
A notice sent by the Environmental Policy Center urging environmentalists to travel to Washington, D.C., to testify against water projects at the Senate Appropriations Committee hearings.
An official letter from Charles Crabtree, newly appointed chairman of Citizens' Organization for a Sound Trinity, replacing James White. The letter updates supporters on continuing efforts to prevent the canalization of the Trinity. An information...
An invitation to the Trinity River Trading Fair, an event sponsored by Citizens' Organization for a Sound Trinity, the League of Women Voters for Dallas, Save Open Space, and the Sierra Club. The purpose of the event was to inform local citizens...
A letter from the Environmental Policy Center with an enclosed list of water projects included in the 1975 fiscal year appropriation budgets for the Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation. The letter urges readers to write to Roy...
This is a letter from U.S. Congressman Ray Roberts, a supporter of the Trinity River Project, in response to a letter written in opposition to the project.
An information leaflet printed and circulated by the environmental group, Save Open Space, opposing the inclusion of channel construction through Bachman Park, Dallas, as part of the Dallas City Council Bond-Financed Capital Improvements Program....

A public notice urging citizens to write to the Water Resources Council to comment on proposed new standards governing the water development projects of the Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation, the Soil Conservation Service, and the...
A joint statement by Mary Wright and Ned Fritz before Dallas City Council opposing flood control and channelization of the Trinity floodplain in Dallas. This statement was delivered two years after the defeat of the Dallas Floodway Extension...

An issue of the publication of the Texas Committee on Natural Resources, the environmental organization that Ned Fritz chaired. This issue includes an article on pages 3 and 4 concerning non-structural flood plain plans for the Trinity River,...
A seminar paper by John J. Vandertulip with an annotation by Ned Fritz.
An information document outlining the negative consequences of channelization with visual examples.

A statement from the Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club, prepared by Chairman L. B. Rothfield and delivered at the hearing of the Texas Water Development Board. The statement deals with the lack of provision for wild rivers in the Texas Water...
A letter from Ned Fritz to the vice president of the United States, requesting a copy of the 1964 Saline Water Report for work he was undertaking as part of the Committee for a Balanced Water Plan.
A letter from U.S. Representative Jim Wright (D-TX) organizing a meeting with Ned Fritz at government offices in Washington, D.C., on July 27, 1966. Fritz was serving on the Committee for a Balanced Water Plan in Texas in 1966. Wright and Fritz...
This is a political advertisement commissioned by Trinity Opportunity Development Committee, urging citizens to vote in favor of the bond proposal for the Trinity River Project at the election on March 13, 1973. The bond proposal was defeated.

This is a letter from state representative Jim Mattox to James White, chairman of Citizens' Organization for a Sound Trinity (COST), informing him of upcoming legislation. White and COST were running a campaign against the canalization of the...
A letter from Citizens' Organization for a Sound Trinity (COST) chairman, James F. White, to Rep. Joseph L. Evins, chairman of the Public Works Subcommittee on Appropriations, regarding Subcommittee hearings taking place in Washington, D.C. on May...
An official response to a letter written by Lurline Smith on December 18, 1972, to the Army Corps of Engineers in which she objected to the construction of the Trinity River barge canal. The Army Corps had received federal funding to undertake the...
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