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This project presents the development and design of a comprehensive interface coupled with a geodatabase (ArcGISwat 2003), for the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). SWAT is a hydrologically distributed, lumped parameter model that runs on a...
2004-09-29 2003-12-01 2004-09-29 |
Prediction of flow is necessary for planning and management of water resources. The objective of this study is to estimate mean annual flows for the USA and mean monthly flows for the rivers of central Texas based on the precipitation and their...
2004-09-29 2003-12-01 2004-09-29 |
This research focused on expanding the capabilities of the Water Rights Analysis
Package (WRAP) for incorporating salinity considerations in assessments of water
availability. A simulation modeling approach was used to address this issue and a...
2006-08-16 2001-05-01 2006-08-16 |
Red Bluff is the main reservoir of the Pecos River in Texas, and its maximum storage capacity adjusted to sediment accumulation is estimated at 357 million m3 (289,600 acre-ft.).
Aside from the shortage of water entering the reservoir, high...
2007-11-13 2007-01-01 |
The study of the benefits (damages averted) attributable to the El Morillo Drain
encompasses U.S. municipalities, industry, and agriculture. It is conservatively estimated
that the annual direct benefits to residents of South Texas ranges between...
2007-11-14 2007-01-02 |
To develop a successful watershed protection plan for the Pecos River, it is very important to
correctly characterize the river basin including vegetation coverage, river channel and others.
The objective of subtask 1.1 was to delineate the Pecos...
2007-11-14 2007-01-01 |
Water scarcity is becoming a pervasive and persistent problem in Texas particularly in the drier
regions containing cities like San Antonio, Austin, and Corpus Christi while growth causes
emerging problems in Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston. A...
2007-11-14 2007-04-01 |
In order to identify potential salinity sources, it was necessary to locate and characterize the
potential impact of perennial and intermittent tributaries into the Pecos River. A study to
determine water quantity, quality, and point of impacts...
2007-11-14 2007-05-01 |
Initial construction costs and net annual changes in operating and maintenance expenses
are identified for a three-component capital renovation project proposed by Hidalgo County
Irrigation District No. 2. The proposed project primarily consists...
2007-11-14 2007-06-01 |
This report presents results for the Subtask 3.3 of the Pecos River Basin Assessment
Project sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Texas State
Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB). The overall objective of...
2007-11-14 2007-06-01 |
Vegetation along the riparian corridor of the lower Pecos River in the United States has
been dominated by saltcedar for the past century. In 1999 through 2004, herbicides were
sprayed from helicopters along some sections of the river to reduce...
2007-11-14 2007-07-23 |
Pecans, along with Almonds and
Walnuts, are among the salt sensitive tree crops
currently grown under irrigation. Yet, many
growers are not convinced that salts are
affecting yields, probably because symptoms of
salt-affected trees are difficult...
2007-11-14 2007-01-01 |
Initial construction costs and net annual changes in operating and maintenance expenses
are identified for a three-component capital renovation project proposed by the United Irrigation
District to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). The...
2007-11-14 2006-03-01 |
The Pecos River of southeastern New Mexico and west Texas is among the saltiest rivers
in North America with streamflow salinity regularly exceeding 7,000 mg L-1 at the New Mexico
and Texas border, and eventually exceeding 12,000 mg L-1 at Girvin,...
2007-11-14 2025-01-04 |
Amistad International Reservoir is located at the Texas?Mexico border, and is fed by four
main tributaries: the middle Rio Grande (MRG), the Pecos, the Devil?s, and the Rio Conchos
from Mexico (Fig. 1). This reservoir is among the largest...
2007-11-14 2006-04-01 |
This study presents an economic analysis of agricultural benefits attributable to a
proposed drainage project which includes on farm systems, laterals (ditches) and major canals
designed to lower the groundwater table and provide an outlet for...
2007-11-14 2025-01-04 |
Beginning in late July and continuing through mid September 2006 the Paso del Norte region,
consisting of El Paso City and County, Texas, southern New Mexico and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico,
experienced a number of record high precipitation events and...
2007-11-14 2006-09-06 |
This report fulfills the deliverables required by the cooperative agreement between the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers and Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES/03-PL-02:
Modification No. 2) on behalf of the Paso del Norte Watershed Council....
2007-11-14 2006-12-01 |
When enacting or administering stormwater education programs, it can be quite difficult to locate objective, science-based resources that can be used to inform the public of actions they can take to help reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff.
2007-11-14 2025-01-04 |
Population expansion and water shortfalls have placed the Texas Lower Rio
Grande Valley (Valley) center stage in water publicity. The unique characteristics and
lack of public knowledge on how irrigation districts divert and convey water from the...
2007-11-14 2005-04-01 |
Irrigation districts in the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley use an antiquated water-delivery conveyance
system; which loses substantial water from seepage, evaporation, etc. Pressures are increasing for
districts to improve their operational...
2007-11-14 2005-03-15 |
This report reviews user-oriented generalized reservoir/river system models. The terms reservoir/river system, reservoir system, reservoir operation, or river basin management "model" or "modeling system" are used synonymously to refer to computer...
2007-11-14 2005-04-01 |