Browse by Archive
Letter and subsequent report from Capt. Adams recounting observations relating to agriculture, commerce and water possibilities along the Colorado river. (ca 1867)
2004-10-07 |
Report to United States Senate outlining the progress and conditions of contemporay irrigation projects divided into regions. (ca. 1886)
2004-10-15 |
Progress report to the United States Senate about the condition of irrigation projects under the Deciciency Appropriation Act of 1890
2004-10-20 |
Report of the Special Senate Committe on Irrigtion and Reclamation of Arid Lands regarding the Arizona region
2004-10-27 |
Water discharge measurements on Selected Arizona rivers (San Juan and Gila). ca. 1897
2004-10-28 |
Letters from both the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of the Treasury regarding the construction of Ganado Irrigation project.
Report about and amended text of Senate bill 3648 (S.3648) which authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to costruct, operate, and maintain the Navajo irrigation project and begin the initial stage of the San Juan-Chama project.
2004-11-04 |
Report to accompany H.R. 4308
2004-11-04 |
Report to accompany H.R. 11685. H.R. 11685 provides for the acquisition of Navajo land for the Glen Canyon unit for the colorado River Storage project
2004-11-04 |
Report to accompany Senate bill 7883 (S.7883)
Communication from the President of the United states, transmitting the supplemental estimate of appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1927, for the Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs, amounting to $28,000, from the...
2004-11-05 |
Report to Accompany S. 72.
2004-11-09 |
Report to accompany S.J. Res. 123
2004-11-09 |
Report to accompany S.107
2004-10-12 |
Report and correspondance describing the conditions of Navajo land ca. 1893
2004-11-17 |
Report to accompany H.R. 7596
2004-11-18 |
Statement of Sam Akheah a part of the hearings to accompany S. 1555. A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Colorado River Storage Project and participating projects
2004-11-18 |
Letter from the Secretary of the Interior in response to resolution of the Senate April 9, 1900. Includes report from the Director of the United States Geological Survey relative to the proposed plans for irrigation upon the Pima Indian...
2004-11-19 |
Report of James D. Schuler, consulting engineer, on the general conditions and cost of water storage for irrigation on the Gila River, Arizona, for the benefit of the Indians occupying the Gila River Reservation.
2004-11-22 |
Letter from the Secretary of the Interior relative to the proposed extension of the survey of the Pima and Maricopa Indian Reservation in Arizona
2004-11-23 |
Letter from the Secretary of the Interior which includes a version of the report of James D. Schuyler, consulting engineer, on the general conditions and cost of water storage for irrigation on the Gila River, Arizona, for the benefit of the...
2004-11-23 |
A history of irrigation in Arizona circa 1886.
2004-12-01 |
Part of a report submitted to the Secretary of the Interior by Indian inspector Walter H. GRaves relating to irrigation for the Pima Indians
2004-12-02 |
Report to accompany S. 3393, for the relief of Native American of the Gila River and Papago Reservations
2004-12-02 |
Contains letter and petition referring to the rigts of the Pima Indians